18 KiB
The XBPS source packages collection
This repository contains the XBPS source packages collection to build binary packages for the Void Linux distribution.
The included xbps-src
script will fetch and compile the sources, and install its
files into a fake destdir
to generate XBPS binary packages that can be installed
or queried through the xbps-install(1)
and xbps-query(1)
utilities, respectively.
- GNU bash
- xbps >= 0.46
requires an utility to chroot and bind mount existing directories
into a masterdir
that is used as its main chroot
directory. xbps-src
multiple utilities to accomplish this task:
- XBPS utility that usesuser_namespaces(7)
(part of xbps, default).xbps-uchroot(1)
- XBPS utility that usesnamespaces
and must besetgid
(part of xbps).proot(1)
- utility that implements chroot/bind mounts in user space, see https://proot-me.github.io/.
NOTE: you don't need to be
to usexbps-src
, use your preferred chroot style as explained below.
This utility requires these Linux kernel options:
This is the default method, and if your system does not support any of the required kernel
options it will fail with EINVAL (Invalid argument)
This utility requires these Linux kernel options:
Your user must be added to a special group to be able to use xbps-uchroot(1)
and the
executable must be setgid
# chown root:<group> xbps-uchroot
# chmod 4750 xbps-uchroot
# usermod -a -G <group> <user>
NOTE: by default in void you shouldn't do this manually, your user must be a member of the
To enable it:
$ cd void-packages
$ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=uchroot >> etc/conf
If for some reason it's erroring out as ERROR clone (Operation not permitted)
, check that
your user is a member of the required group
and that xbps-uchroot(1)
utility has the
proper permissions and owner/group as explained above.
The proot(1)
utility implements chroot and bind mounts support completely in user space,
and can be used if your Linux kernel does not have support for namespaces. See https://proot-me.github.io/.
for more information.
To enable it:
$ cd void-packages
$ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=proot >> etc/conf
Quick setup in Void
Clone the void-packages
git repository, install the bootstrap packages:
$ git clone git://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages.git
$ cd void-packages
$ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap
$ ./xbps-src -h
to see all available targets/options and start building any available package
in the srcpkgs
Install the bootstrap packages
The bootstrap
packages are a set of packages required to build any available source package in a container. There are two methods to install the bootstrap
: all bootstrap packages will be built from scratch; additional utilities are required in the host system to allow building thebase-chroot
package: binutils, gcc, perl, texinfo, etc. -
: the bootstrap binary packages are downloaded via XBPS repositories.
If you don't want to waste your time building everything from scratch probably it's better to use binary-bootstrap
The etc/defaults.conf
file contains the possible settings that can be overridden
through the etc/conf
configuration file for the xbps-src
utility; if that file
does not exist, will try to read configuration settings from ~/.xbps-src.conf
If you want to customize default CFLAGS
, don't override
those defined in etc/defaults.conf
, set them on etc/conf
instead i.e:
$ echo 'XBPS_CFLAGS="your flags here"' >> etc/conf
$ echo 'XBPS_LDFLAGS="your flags here"' >> etc/conf
Native and cross compiler/linker flags are set per architecture in common/build-profiles
and common/cross-profiles
respectively. Ideally those settings are good enough by default,
and there's no need to set your own unless you know what you are doing.
Virtual packages
The etc/defaults.virtual
file contains the default replacements for virtual packages,
used as dependencies in the source packages tree.
If you want to customize those replacements, copy etc/defaults.virtual
to etc/virtual
and edit it accordingly to your needs.
Directory hierarchy
The following directory hierarchy is used with a default configuration file:
|- common
|- etc
|- srcpkgs
| |- xbps
| |- template
|- hostdir
| |- binpkgs ...
| |- ccache-<arch> ...
| |- distcc-<arch> ...
| |- repocache ...
| |- sources ...
|- masterdir
| |- builddir -> ...
| |- destdir -> ...
| |- host -> bind mounted from <hostdir>
| |- void-packages -> bind mounted from <void-packages>
The description of these directories is as follows:
: master directory to be used as rootfs to build/install packages.builddir
: to unpack package source tarballs and where packages are built.destdir
: to install packages, aka fake destdir.hostdir/ccache
: to store ccache data if theXBPS_CCACHE
option is enabled.hostdir/distcc-<arch>
: to store distcc data if theXBPS_DISTCC
option is enabled.hostdir/repocache
: to store binary packages from remote repositories.hostdir/sources
: to store package sources.hostdir/binpkgs
: local repository to store generated binary packages.
Building packages
The simplest form of building package is accomplished by running the pkg
target in xbps-src
$ cd void-packages
$ ./xbps-src pkg <pkgname>
When the package and its required dependencies are built, the binary packages will be created
and registered in the default local repository at hostdir/binpkgs
; the path to this local repository can be added to
any xbps configuration file (see xbps.d(5)) or by explicitly appending them via cmdline, i.e:
$ xbps-install --repository=hostdir/binpkgs ...
$ xbps-query --repository=hostdir/binpkgs ...
By default xbps-src will try to resolve package dependencies in this order:
- If dependency exists in the local repository, use it (
). - If dependency exists in a remote repository, use it.
- If dependency exists in a source package, use it.
It is possible to avoid using remote repositories completely by using the -N
The default local repository may contain multiple sub-repositories:
, etc.
Package build options
The supported build options for a source package can be shown with xbps-src show-options
$ ./xbps-src show-options foo
Build options can be enabled with the -o
flag of xbps-src
$ ./xbps-src -o option,option1 pkg foo
Build options can be disabled by prefixing them with ~
$ ./xbps-src -o ~option,~option1 pkg foo
Both ways can be used together to enable and/or disable multiple options
at the same time with xbps-src
$ ./xbps-src -o option,~option1,~option2 pkg foo
The build options can also be shown for binary packages via xbps-query(1)
$ xbps-query -R --property=build-options foo
NOTE: if you build a package with a custom option, and that package is available in an official void repository, an update will ignore those options. Put that package on
mode viaxbps-pkgdb(1)
, i.exbps-pkgdb -m hold foo
to ignore updates withxbps-install -u
. Once the package is onhold
, the only way to update it is by declaring it explicitly:xbps-install -u foo
Permanent global package build options can be set via XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS
variable in the
configuration file. Per package build options can be set via
NOTE: if
, those should be replaced byunderscores
The list of supported package build options and its description is defined in the
file or in the template
Sharing and signing your local repositories
To share a local repository remotely it's mandatory to sign it and the binary packages
stored on it. This is accomplished with the xbps-rindex(1)
First a RSA key must be created with openssl(1)
or ssh-keygen(1)
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out privkey.pem 4096
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f privkey.pem
Only RSA keys in PEM format are currently accepted by xbps.
Once the RSA private key is ready you can use it to initialize the repository metadata:
$ xbps-rindex --sign --signedby "I'm Groot" --privkey privkey.pem $PWD/hostdir/binpkgs
And then make a signature per package:
$ xbps-rindex --sign-pkg --privkey privkey.pem $PWD/hostdir/binpkgs/*.xbps
If --privkey is unset, it defaults to
If the RSA key was protected with a passphrase you'll have to type it, or alternatively set
environment variable.
Once the binary packages have been signed, check the repository contains the appropriate hex fingerprint
$ xbps-query --repository=hostdir/binpkgs -vL
Each time a binary package is created, a package signature must be created with --sign-pkg
It is not possible to sign a repository with multiple RSA keys.
Rebuilding and overwriting existing local packages
If for whatever reason a package has been built and it is available in your local repository
and you have to rebuild it without bumping its version
or revision
fields, it is possible
to accomplish this task easily with xbps-src
$ ./xbps-src -f pkg xbps
Reinstalling this package in your target rootdir
can be easily done too:
$ xbps-install --repository=/path/to/local/repo -yff xbps-0.25_1
Please note that the
package expression
must be properly defined to explicitly pick up the package from the desired repository.
Enabling distcc for distributed compilation
Setup the slaves (machines that will compile the code):
# xbps-install -Sy distcc
Modify the configuration to allow your local network machines to use distcc (e.g.
# echo "" >> /etc/distcc/clients.allow
Enable and start the distccd
# ln -s /etc/sv/distccd /var/service
Install distcc on the host (machine that executes xbps-src) as well. Unless you want to use the host as slave from other machines, there is no need to modify the configuration.
On the host you can now enable distcc in the void-packages/etc/conf
XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost/2 --localslots_cpp=24"
The example values assume a localhost CPU with 4 cores of which at most 2 are used for compiler jobs. The number of slots for preprocessor jobs is set to 24 in order to have enough preprocessed data for other CPUs to compile. The slave has a CPU with 8 cores and the /9 for the number of jobs is a saturating choice. The slave is set to run at most 2 compile jobs to keep its load low, even if its CPU has 4 cores. The XBPS_MAKEJOBS setting is increased to 16 to account for the possible parallelism (2 + 9 + 2 + some slack).
Distfiles mirror(s)
In etc/conf you may optionally define a mirror or a list of mirrors to search for distfiles.
$ echo 'XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR=""' >> etc/conf
If more than one mirror is to be searched, you can either specify multiple URLs separated with blanks, or add to the variable like this
$ echo 'XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR+=" http://repo.voidlinux.de/distfiles"' >> etc/conf
Make sure to put the blank after the first double quote in this case.
The mirrors are searched in order for the distfiles to build a package until the checksum of the downloaded file matches the one specified in the template.
Ultimately, if no mirror carries the distfile, or in case all downloads failed the checksum verification, the original download location is used.
If you use proot
or uchroot
for your XBPS_CHROOT_CMD, you may also specify a local path
using the file://
prefix or simply an absolute path on your build host (e.g. /mnt/distfiles).
Mirror locations specified this way are bind mounted inside the chroot environment
under $XBPS_MASTERDIR and searched for distfiles just the same as remote locations.
Cross compiling packages for a target architecture
Currently xbps-src
can cross build packages for some target architectures with a cross compiler.
The supported target is shown with ./xbps-src -h
If a source package has been adapted to be cross buildable xbps-src
will automatically build the binary package(s) with a simple command:
$ ./xbps-src -a <target> pkg <pkgname>
If the build for whatever reason fails, might be a new build issue or simply because it hasn't been adapted to be cross compiled.
Using xbps-src in a foreign Linux distribution
xbps-src can be used in any recent Linux distribution matching the CPU architecture.
To use xbps-src in your Linux distribution use the following instructions. Let's start downloading the xbps static binaries:
$ wget http://repo.voidlinux.eu/static/xbps-static-latest.<arch>-musl.tar.xz
$ mkdir ~/XBPS
$ tar xvf xbps-static-latest.<arch>.tar.xz -C ~/XBPS
$ export PATH=~/XBPS/usr/bin:$PATH
If your system does not support user namespaces
, a privileged group is required to be able to use
with xbps-src, by default it's set to the xbuilder
group, change this to your desired group:
# chown root:<group> ~/XBPS/usr/bin/xbps-uchroot.static
# chmod 4750 ~/XBPS/usr/bin/xbps-uchroot.static
Clone the void-packages
git repository:
$ git clone git://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages
and xbps-src
should be fully functional; just start the bootstrap
process, i.e:
$ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap
The default masterdir is created in the current working directory, i.e void-packages/masterdir
Remaking the masterdir
If for some reason you must update xbps-src and the bootstrap-update
target is not enough, it's possible to recreate a masterdir with two simple commands (please note that zap
keeps your ccache/distcc/host
directories intact):
$ ./xbps-src zap
$ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap
Keeping your masterdir uptodate
Sometimes the bootstrap packages must be updated to the latest available version in repositories, this is accomplished with the bootstrap-update
$ ./xbps-src bootstrap-update
Building 32bit packages on x86_64
Two ways are available to build 32bit packages on x86_64:
- cross compilation mode
- native mode with a 32bit masterdir
The first mode (cross compilation) is as easy as:
$ ./xbps-src -a i686 pkg ...
The second mode (native) needs a new x86 masterdir
$ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86 binary-bootstrap i686
$ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86 ...
Building packages natively for the musl C library
A native build environment is required to be able to cross compile the bootstrap packages for the musl C library; this is accomplished by installing them via binary-bootstrap
$ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap
Now cross compile base-chroot-musl
for your native architecture:
$ ./xbps-src -a x86_64-musl pkg base-chroot-musl
Wait until all packages are built and when ready, prepare a new masterdir with the musl packages:
$ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86_64-musl binary-bootstrap x86_64-musl
Your new masterdir is now ready to build natively packages for the musl C library. Try:
$ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86_64-musl chroot
$ ldd
To see if the musl C dynamic linker is working as expected.
Building void base-system from scratch
To rebuild all packages in base-system
for your native architecture:
$ ./xbps-src -N pkg base-system
It's also possible to cross compile everything from scratch:
$ ./xbps-src -a <target> -N pkg base-system
Once the build has finished, you can specify the path to the local repository to void-mklive
, i.e:
# cd void-mklive
# make
# ./mklive.sh ... -r /path/to/hostdir/binpkgs
Breaking out of a dependency loop
The package gtk+3 can not be built using -N with its default options because there is a dependency loop: colord depends on gtk+3 and gtk+3 depends on colord.
The following steps are required to build a temporary gtk+3 without colord and later on rebuild gtk+3 with colord enabled, once all dependencies are available:
$ ./xbps-src -N pkg gtk+3
Break this build with Ctrl+C once you see vala, colord, gtk+3 being looped over.
$ ./xbps-src -o ~gir,~colord -N pkg gtk+3
Now you have a gtk+3 without colord registered and can build the other dependencies.
$ ./xbps-src -N pkg gtk+3
Here gtk+3 will not be updated because the package already exists. In the next step we force a re-registration of gtk+3 with colord enabled.
$ ./xbps-src -f pkg gtk+3
Be careful with -f (force) building packages, if your repository contains multiple architectures. Force registering noarch packages will break them for architectures which already had them registered in their repodata file.
Now you can continue to build packages and their dependencies with -N.
See Contributing for a general overview of how to contribute and the Manual for details of how to create source packages.