PHP's phpize is based on a very old libtool to generate build files for
its extensions. This libtool does not support .la files with '=' to
support sysroot.
In order to support more PHP extension cross compilation this modifies to support such path. This is a bit hackish has it only get
sysroot from the used toolchain; the proper way to fix that is to have
PHP developpers to update the autotools file used to build there
Opcache extension configuration tries to detect some shared memory
function by compiling and executing test programs at compile time.
This cannot work when cross compiling.
To workaround that add proper defines to use those functions anyway if
we are cross compiling.
That fixes the following error when using opcache extension on arm:
Fatal Error Unable to allocate shared memory segment of 134217728 bytes
- add rlwrap to depends so rmaxima (readline cli) works.
- add gnuplot to checkdepends, fixes 2 failing tests.
- add patch to allow more rounding, fixes 2 failing tests on musl.
- add rmaxima.1 and xmaxima.1 man pages as symlinks to maxima.1.
- do not compress info files, since they are used for in-program help
and it doesn't work when they are compressed.
- add patch to copy test output to stdout, since it's too silent
Disable failed testsuites:
- fileopts: disable tests for `chown` process with GID
- commands, lua: segmentation fault
- misc: fails because `TERM` is not set. But setting it to a random
value, eg. `xterm-256color` makes it segmentation fault
Also move to recommended CDN download. They officially ask not to
download directly from and hadn't even
received the 2.4.51 tarball yet.