Jan Christian Grünhage 469fd3287b
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docs: fix webserver path for http challenge
2017-12-26 18:38:21 +00:00

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Zero-configuration mode

This is a tutorial on how to use this container (without needing to configure anything) to create certificates for a given set of domains (using the HTTP-Challenge).


These are the things that you need to setup / already have set up in order to use this container for creating certificates using the HTTP-Challenge:

  • A working internet connection, obviously
  • HTTP Webserver to serve the .well-known which is used for the HTTP-Challenge

Now create a folder in which dehydrated can push the challenge-data later, in this tutorial it will be called dehydrated-www. Configure your Webserver to serve the contents of this folder under domain/.well-known/acme-challenge (for all domains for which you want to create certificates).

Next create another folder in which dehydrated will place its configuration, certificates etc., in this tutorial it will be called dehydrated-data. In this folder, create a file called domains.txt in which you list the domains you want to create certificates for, using the following format:

  • each domain on a new line
  • subdomains of a domain on the same line as the domain.

For more information on the format, see

Using docker-dehydrated

Now you can just run the container, and as the default challenge is the HTTP-Challenge, you do not need to pass environment variables to alter the default behaviour. To run the container, execute:

$ docker run -v ./dehydrated-www:/var/www/dehydrated \
-v ./dehydrated-data:/etc/dehydrated

Please note that on SELinux-Systems, you need to set the "SELinux"-Flag when passing volumes: ./dehydrated-www:/var/www/dehydrated:z (analog for dehydrated-data).

Also, the container will chown the folders passed to himself, so make sure your webserver can still serve the contents of dehydrated-www.

After the challenges have been run, the certificates will be stored in dehydrated-data/certs, make sure to back this folder up!