t895 da14c7b8e4 config: Unify config handling under frontend_common
Replaces every way of handling config for each frontend with SimpleIni. frontend_common's Config class is at the center where it saves and loads all of the cross-platform settings and provides a set of pure virtual functions for platform specific settings.

As a result of making config handling platform specific, several parts had to be moved to each platform's own config class or to other parts. Default keys were put in platform specific config classes and translatable strings for Qt were moved to shared_translation. Default hotkeys, default_theme, window geometry, and qt metatypes were moved to uisettings. Additionally, to reduce dependence on Qt, QStrings were converted to std::strings where applicable.
2023-11-21 01:58:13 -05:00

485 lines
18 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QSettings>
#include "common/fs/fs.h"
#include "common/fs/path_util.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/file_sys/card_image.h"
#include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h"
#include "core/file_sys/control_metadata.h"
#include "core/file_sys/mode.h"
#include "core/file_sys/nca_metadata.h"
#include "core/file_sys/patch_manager.h"
#include "core/file_sys/registered_cache.h"
#include "core/file_sys/submission_package.h"
#include "core/loader/loader.h"
#include "yuzu/compatibility_list.h"
#include "yuzu/game_list.h"
#include "yuzu/game_list_p.h"
#include "yuzu/game_list_worker.h"
#include "yuzu/uisettings.h"
namespace {
QString GetGameListCachedObject(const std::string& filename, const std::string& ext,
const std::function<QString()>& generator) {
if (!UISettings::values.cache_game_list || filename == "0000000000000000") {
return generator();
const auto path =
Common::FS::PathToUTF8String(Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::CacheDir) /
"game_list" / fmt::format("{}.{}", filename, ext));
if (!Common::FS::Exists(path)) {
const auto str = generator();
QFile file{QString::fromStdString(path)};
if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
return str;
QFile file{QString::fromStdString(path)};
if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
return QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll());
return generator();
std::pair<std::vector<u8>, std::string> GetGameListCachedObject(
const std::string& filename, const std::string& ext,
const std::function<std::pair<std::vector<u8>, std::string>()>& generator) {
if (!UISettings::values.cache_game_list || filename == "0000000000000000") {
return generator();
const auto game_list_dir =
Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::CacheDir) / "game_list";
const auto jpeg_name = fmt::format("{}.jpeg", filename);
const auto app_name = fmt::format("{}.appname.txt", filename);
const auto path1 = Common::FS::PathToUTF8String(game_list_dir / jpeg_name);
const auto path2 = Common::FS::PathToUTF8String(game_list_dir / app_name);
if (!Common::FS::Exists(path1) || !Common::FS::Exists(path2)) {
const auto [icon, nacp] = generator();
QFile file1{QString::fromStdString(path1)};
if (!file1.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to open cache file.");
return generator();
if (!file1.resize(icon.size())) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to resize cache file to necessary size.");
return generator();
if (file1.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(icon.data()), icon.size()) !=
s64(icon.size())) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to write data to cache file.");
return generator();
QFile file2{QString::fromStdString(path2)};
if (file2.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
file2.write(nacp.data(), nacp.size());
return std::make_pair(icon, nacp);
QFile file1(QString::fromStdString(path1));
QFile file2(QString::fromStdString(path2));
if (!file1.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to open cache file for reading.");
return generator();
if (!file2.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Failed to open cache file for reading.");
return generator();
std::vector<u8> vec(file1.size());
if (file1.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(vec.data()), vec.size()) !=
static_cast<s64>(vec.size())) {
return generator();
const auto data = file2.readAll();
return std::make_pair(vec, data.toStdString());
void GetMetadataFromControlNCA(const FileSys::PatchManager& patch_manager, const FileSys::NCA& nca,
std::vector<u8>& icon, std::string& name) {
std::tie(icon, name) = GetGameListCachedObject(
fmt::format("{:016X}", patch_manager.GetTitleID()), {}, [&patch_manager, &nca] {
const auto [nacp, icon_f] = patch_manager.ParseControlNCA(nca);
return std::make_pair(icon_f->ReadAllBytes(), nacp->GetApplicationName());
bool HasSupportedFileExtension(const std::string& file_name) {
const QFileInfo file = QFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(file_name));
return GameList::supported_file_extensions.contains(file.suffix(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
bool IsExtractedNCAMain(const std::string& file_name) {
return QFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(file_name)).fileName() == QStringLiteral("main");
QString FormatGameName(const std::string& physical_name) {
const QString physical_name_as_qstring = QString::fromStdString(physical_name);
const QFileInfo file_info(physical_name_as_qstring);
if (IsExtractedNCAMain(physical_name)) {
return file_info.dir().path();
return physical_name_as_qstring;
QString FormatPatchNameVersions(const FileSys::PatchManager& patch_manager,
Loader::AppLoader& loader, bool updatable = true) {
QString out;
FileSys::VirtualFile update_raw;
for (const auto& kv : patch_manager.GetPatchVersionNames(update_raw)) {
const bool is_update = kv.first == "Update" || kv.first == "[D] Update";
if (!updatable && is_update) {
const QString type = QString::fromStdString(kv.first);
if (kv.second.empty()) {
} else {
auto ver = kv.second;
// Display container name for packed updates
if (is_update && ver == "PACKED") {
ver = Loader::GetFileTypeString(loader.GetFileType());
out.append(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)\n").arg(type, QString::fromStdString(ver)));
return out;
QList<QStandardItem*> MakeGameListEntry(const std::string& path, const std::string& name,
const std::size_t size, const std::vector<u8>& icon,
Loader::AppLoader& loader, u64 program_id,
const CompatibilityList& compatibility_list,
const PlayTime::PlayTimeManager& play_time_manager,
const FileSys::PatchManager& patch) {
const auto it = FindMatchingCompatibilityEntry(compatibility_list, program_id);
// The game list uses this as compatibility number for untested games
QString compatibility{QStringLiteral("99")};
if (it != compatibility_list.end()) {
compatibility = it->second.first;
const auto file_type = loader.GetFileType();
const auto file_type_string = QString::fromStdString(Loader::GetFileTypeString(file_type));
QList<QStandardItem*> list{
new GameListItemPath(FormatGameName(path), icon, QString::fromStdString(name),
file_type_string, program_id),
new GameListItemCompat(compatibility),
new GameListItem(file_type_string),
new GameListItemSize(size),
new GameListItemPlayTime(play_time_manager.GetPlayTime(program_id)),
const auto patch_versions = GetGameListCachedObject(
fmt::format("{:016X}", patch.GetTitleID()), "pv.txt", [&patch, &loader] {
return FormatPatchNameVersions(patch, loader, loader.IsRomFSUpdatable());
list.insert(2, new GameListItem(patch_versions));
return list;
} // Anonymous namespace
GameListWorker::GameListWorker(FileSys::VirtualFilesystem vfs_,
FileSys::ManualContentProvider* provider_,
QVector<UISettings::GameDir>& game_dirs_,
const CompatibilityList& compatibility_list_,
const PlayTime::PlayTimeManager& play_time_manager_,
Core::System& system_)
: vfs{std::move(vfs_)}, provider{provider_}, game_dirs{game_dirs_},
compatibility_list{compatibility_list_}, play_time_manager{play_time_manager_}, system{
system_} {
// We want the game list to manage our lifetime.
GameListWorker::~GameListWorker() {
void GameListWorker::ProcessEvents(GameList* game_list) {
while (true) {
std::function<void(GameList*)> func;
// Lock queue to protect concurrent modification.
std::scoped_lock lk(lock);
// If we can't pop a function, return.
if (queued_events.empty()) {
// Pop a function.
func = std::move(queued_events.back());
// Run the function.
template <typename F>
void GameListWorker::RecordEvent(F&& func) {
// Lock queue to protect concurrent modification.
std::scoped_lock lk(lock);
// Add the function into the front of the queue.
// Data now available.
emit DataAvailable();
void GameListWorker::AddTitlesToGameList(GameListDir* parent_dir) {
using namespace FileSys;
const auto& cache = system.GetContentProviderUnion();
auto installed_games = cache.ListEntriesFilterOrigin(std::nullopt, TitleType::Application,
if (parent_dir->type() == static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::SdmcDir)) {
installed_games = cache.ListEntriesFilterOrigin(
ContentProviderUnionSlot::SDMC, TitleType::Application, ContentRecordType::Program);
} else if (parent_dir->type() == static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::UserNandDir)) {
installed_games = cache.ListEntriesFilterOrigin(
ContentProviderUnionSlot::UserNAND, TitleType::Application, ContentRecordType::Program);
} else if (parent_dir->type() == static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::SysNandDir)) {
installed_games = cache.ListEntriesFilterOrigin(
ContentProviderUnionSlot::SysNAND, TitleType::Application, ContentRecordType::Program);
for (const auto& [slot, game] : installed_games) {
if (slot == ContentProviderUnionSlot::FrontendManual) {
const auto file = cache.GetEntryUnparsed(game.title_id, game.type);
std::unique_ptr<Loader::AppLoader> loader = Loader::GetLoader(system, file);
if (!loader) {
std::vector<u8> icon;
std::string name;
u64 program_id = 0;
const auto result = loader->ReadProgramId(program_id);
if (result != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) {
const PatchManager patch{program_id, system.GetFileSystemController(),
const auto control = cache.GetEntry(game.title_id, ContentRecordType::Control);
if (control != nullptr) {
GetMetadataFromControlNCA(patch, *control, icon, name);
auto entry = MakeGameListEntry(file->GetFullPath(), name, file->GetSize(), icon, *loader,
program_id, compatibility_list, play_time_manager, patch);
RecordEvent([=](GameList* game_list) { game_list->AddEntry(entry, parent_dir); });
void GameListWorker::ScanFileSystem(ScanTarget target, const std::string& dir_path, bool deep_scan,
GameListDir* parent_dir) {
const auto callback = [this, target, parent_dir](const std::filesystem::path& path) -> bool {
if (stop_requested) {
// Breaks the callback loop.
return false;
const auto physical_name = Common::FS::PathToUTF8String(path);
const auto is_dir = Common::FS::IsDir(path);
if (!is_dir &&
(HasSupportedFileExtension(physical_name) || IsExtractedNCAMain(physical_name))) {
const auto file = vfs->OpenFile(physical_name, FileSys::Mode::Read);
if (!file) {
return true;
auto loader = Loader::GetLoader(system, file);
if (!loader) {
return true;
const auto file_type = loader->GetFileType();
if (file_type == Loader::FileType::Unknown || file_type == Loader::FileType::Error) {
return true;
u64 program_id = 0;
const auto res2 = loader->ReadProgramId(program_id);
if (target == ScanTarget::FillManualContentProvider) {
if (res2 == Loader::ResultStatus::Success && file_type == Loader::FileType::NCA) {
program_id, file);
} else if (res2 == Loader::ResultStatus::Success &&
(file_type == Loader::FileType::XCI ||
file_type == Loader::FileType::NSP)) {
const auto nsp = file_type == Loader::FileType::NSP
? std::make_shared<FileSys::NSP>(file)
: FileSys::XCI{file}.GetSecurePartitionNSP();
for (const auto& title : nsp->GetNCAs()) {
for (const auto& entry : title.second) {
provider->AddEntry(entry.first.first, entry.first.second, title.first,
} else {
std::vector<u64> program_ids;
if (res2 == Loader::ResultStatus::Success && program_ids.size() > 1 &&
(file_type == Loader::FileType::XCI || file_type == Loader::FileType::NSP)) {
for (const auto id : program_ids) {
loader = Loader::GetLoader(system, file, id);
if (!loader) {
std::vector<u8> icon;
[[maybe_unused]] const auto res1 = loader->ReadIcon(icon);
std::string name = " ";
[[maybe_unused]] const auto res3 = loader->ReadTitle(name);
const FileSys::PatchManager patch{id, system.GetFileSystemController(),
auto entry = MakeGameListEntry(
physical_name, name, Common::FS::GetSize(physical_name), icon, *loader,
id, compatibility_list, play_time_manager, patch);
[=](GameList* game_list) { game_list->AddEntry(entry, parent_dir); });
} else {
std::vector<u8> icon;
[[maybe_unused]] const auto res1 = loader->ReadIcon(icon);
std::string name = " ";
[[maybe_unused]] const auto res3 = loader->ReadTitle(name);
const FileSys::PatchManager patch{program_id, system.GetFileSystemController(),
auto entry = MakeGameListEntry(
physical_name, name, Common::FS::GetSize(physical_name), icon, *loader,
program_id, compatibility_list, play_time_manager, patch);
[=](GameList* game_list) { game_list->AddEntry(entry, parent_dir); });
} else if (is_dir) {
return true;
if (deep_scan) {
Common::FS::IterateDirEntriesRecursively(dir_path, callback,
} else {
Common::FS::IterateDirEntries(dir_path, callback, Common::FS::DirEntryFilter::File);
void GameListWorker::run() {
const auto DirEntryReady = [&](GameListDir* game_list_dir) {
RecordEvent([=](GameList* game_list) { game_list->AddDirEntry(game_list_dir); });
for (UISettings::GameDir& game_dir : game_dirs) {
if (stop_requested) {
if (game_dir.path == std::string("SDMC")) {
auto* const game_list_dir = new GameListDir(game_dir, GameListItemType::SdmcDir);
} else if (game_dir.path == std::string("UserNAND")) {
auto* const game_list_dir = new GameListDir(game_dir, GameListItemType::UserNandDir);
} else if (game_dir.path == std::string("SysNAND")) {
auto* const game_list_dir = new GameListDir(game_dir, GameListItemType::SysNandDir);
} else {
auto* const game_list_dir = new GameListDir(game_dir);
ScanFileSystem(ScanTarget::FillManualContentProvider, game_dir.path, game_dir.deep_scan,
ScanFileSystem(ScanTarget::PopulateGameList, game_dir.path, game_dir.deep_scan,
RecordEvent([=](GameList* game_list) { game_list->DonePopulating(watch_list); });