t895 da14c7b8e4 config: Unify config handling under frontend_common
Replaces every way of handling config for each frontend with SimpleIni. frontend_common's Config class is at the center where it saves and loads all of the cross-platform settings and provides a set of pure virtual functions for platform specific settings.

As a result of making config handling platform specific, several parts had to be moved to each platform's own config class or to other parts. Default keys were put in platform specific config classes and translatable strings for Qt were moved to shared_translation. Default hotkeys, default_theme, window geometry, and qt metatypes were moved to uisettings. Additionally, to reduce dependence on Qt, QStrings were converted to std::strings where applicable.
2023-11-21 01:58:13 -05:00

409 lines
14 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QObject>
#include <QStandardItem>
#include <QString>
#include <QWidget>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "yuzu/play_time_manager.h"
#include "yuzu/uisettings.h"
#include "yuzu/util/util.h"
enum class GameListItemType {
Game = QStandardItem::UserType + 1,
CustomDir = QStandardItem::UserType + 2,
SdmcDir = QStandardItem::UserType + 3,
UserNandDir = QStandardItem::UserType + 4,
SysNandDir = QStandardItem::UserType + 5,
AddDir = QStandardItem::UserType + 6,
Favorites = QStandardItem::UserType + 7,
* Gets the default icon (for games without valid title metadata)
* @param size The desired width and height of the default icon.
* @return QPixmap default icon
static QPixmap GetDefaultIcon(u32 size) {
QPixmap icon(size, size);
return icon;
class GameListItem : public QStandardItem {
// used to access type from item index
static constexpr int TypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 1;
static constexpr int SortRole = Qt::UserRole + 2;
GameListItem() = default;
explicit GameListItem(const QString& string) : QStandardItem(string) {
setData(string, SortRole);
* A specialization of GameListItem for path values.
* This class ensures that for every full path value it holds, a correct string representation
* of just the filename (with no extension) will be displayed to the user.
* If this class receives valid title metadata, it will also display game icons and titles.
class GameListItemPath : public GameListItem {
static constexpr int TitleRole = SortRole + 1;
static constexpr int FullPathRole = SortRole + 2;
static constexpr int ProgramIdRole = SortRole + 3;
static constexpr int FileTypeRole = SortRole + 4;
GameListItemPath() = default;
GameListItemPath(const QString& game_path, const std::vector<u8>& picture_data,
const QString& game_name, const QString& game_type, u64 program_id) {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
setData(game_path, FullPathRole);
setData(game_name, TitleRole);
setData(qulonglong(program_id), ProgramIdRole);
setData(game_type, FileTypeRole);
const u32 size = UISettings::values.game_icon_size.GetValue();
QPixmap picture;
if (!picture.loadFromData(picture_data.data(), static_cast<u32>(picture_data.size()))) {
picture = GetDefaultIcon(size);
picture = picture.scaled(size, size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
setData(picture, Qt::DecorationRole);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::Game);
QVariant data(int role) const override {
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == SortRole) {
std::string filename;
Common::SplitPath(data(FullPathRole).toString().toStdString(), nullptr, &filename,
const std::array<QString, 4> row_data{{
QString::fromStdString(fmt::format("0x{:016X}", data(ProgramIdRole).toULongLong())),
const auto& row1 = row_data.at(UISettings::values.row_1_text_id.GetValue());
const int row2_id = UISettings::values.row_2_text_id.GetValue();
if (role == SortRole) {
return row1.toLower();
// None
if (row2_id == 4) {
return row1;
const auto& row2 = row_data.at(row2_id);
if (row1 == row2) {
return row1;
return QStringLiteral("%1\n %2").arg(row1, row2);
return GameListItem::data(role);
class GameListItemCompat : public GameListItem {
static constexpr int CompatNumberRole = SortRole;
GameListItemCompat() = default;
explicit GameListItemCompat(const QString& compatibility) {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
struct CompatStatus {
QString color;
const char* text;
const char* tooltip;
// clang-format off
const auto ingame_status =
CompatStatus{QStringLiteral("#f2d624"), QT_TR_NOOP("Ingame"), QT_TR_NOOP("Game starts, but crashes or major glitches prevent it from being completed.")};
static const std::map<QString, CompatStatus> status_data = {
{QStringLiteral("0"), {QStringLiteral("#5c93ed"), QT_TR_NOOP("Perfect"), QT_TR_NOOP("Game can be played without issues.")}},
{QStringLiteral("1"), {QStringLiteral("#47d35c"), QT_TR_NOOP("Playable"), QT_TR_NOOP("Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish.")}},
{QStringLiteral("2"), ingame_status},
{QStringLiteral("3"), ingame_status}, // Fallback for the removed "Okay" category
{QStringLiteral("4"), {QStringLiteral("#FF0000"), QT_TR_NOOP("Intro/Menu"), QT_TR_NOOP("Game loads, but is unable to progress past the Start Screen.")}},
{QStringLiteral("5"), {QStringLiteral("#828282"), QT_TR_NOOP("Won't Boot"), QT_TR_NOOP("The game crashes when attempting to startup.")}},
{QStringLiteral("99"), {QStringLiteral("#000000"), QT_TR_NOOP("Not Tested"), QT_TR_NOOP("The game has not yet been tested.")}},
// clang-format on
auto iterator = status_data.find(compatibility);
if (iterator == status_data.end()) {
LOG_WARNING(Frontend, "Invalid compatibility number {}", compatibility.toStdString());
const CompatStatus& status = iterator->second;
setData(compatibility, CompatNumberRole);
setData(CreateCirclePixmapFromColor(status.color), Qt::DecorationRole);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::Game);
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return data(CompatNumberRole).value<QString>() <
* A specialization of GameListItem for size values.
* This class ensures that for every numerical size value it holds (in bytes), a correct
* human-readable string representation will be displayed to the user.
class GameListItemSize : public GameListItem {
static constexpr int SizeRole = SortRole;
GameListItemSize() = default;
explicit GameListItemSize(const qulonglong size_bytes) {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
setData(size_bytes, SizeRole);
void setData(const QVariant& value, int role) override {
// By specializing setData for SizeRole, we can ensure that the numerical and string
// representations of the data are always accurate and in the correct format.
if (role == SizeRole) {
qulonglong size_bytes = value.toULongLong();
GameListItem::setData(ReadableByteSize(size_bytes), Qt::DisplayRole);
GameListItem::setData(value, SizeRole);
} else {
GameListItem::setData(value, role);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::Game);
* This operator is, in practice, only used by the TreeView sorting systems.
* Override it so that it will correctly sort by numerical value instead of by string
* representation.
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return data(SizeRole).toULongLong() < other.data(SizeRole).toULongLong();
* GameListItem for Play Time values.
* This object stores the play time of a game in seconds, and its readable
* representation in minutes/hours
class GameListItemPlayTime : public GameListItem {
static constexpr int PlayTimeRole = SortRole;
GameListItemPlayTime() = default;
explicit GameListItemPlayTime(const qulonglong time_seconds) {
setData(time_seconds, PlayTimeRole);
void setData(const QVariant& value, int role) override {
qulonglong time_seconds = value.toULongLong();
GameListItem::setData(PlayTime::ReadablePlayTime(time_seconds), Qt::DisplayRole);
GameListItem::setData(value, PlayTimeRole);
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return data(PlayTimeRole).toULongLong() < other.data(PlayTimeRole).toULongLong();
class GameListDir : public GameListItem {
static constexpr int GameDirRole = Qt::UserRole + 2;
explicit GameListDir(UISettings::GameDir& directory,
GameListItemType dir_type_ = GameListItemType::CustomDir)
: dir_type{dir_type_} {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
UISettings::GameDir* game_dir = &directory;
setData(QVariant(UISettings::values.game_dirs.indexOf(directory)), GameDirRole);
const int icon_size = UISettings::values.folder_icon_size.GetValue();
switch (dir_type) {
case GameListItemType::SdmcDir:
.scaled(icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(QObject::tr("Installed SD Titles"), Qt::DisplayRole);
case GameListItemType::UserNandDir:
.scaled(icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(QObject::tr("Installed NAND Titles"), Qt::DisplayRole);
case GameListItemType::SysNandDir:
.scaled(icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(QObject::tr("System Titles"), Qt::DisplayRole);
case GameListItemType::CustomDir: {
const QString path = QString::fromStdString(game_dir->path);
const QString icon_name =
QFileInfo::exists(path) ? QStringLiteral("folder") : QStringLiteral("bad_folder");
icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(path, Qt::DisplayRole);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(dir_type);
* Override to prevent automatic sorting between folders and the addDir button.
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return false;
GameListItemType dir_type;
class GameListAddDir : public GameListItem {
explicit GameListAddDir() {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
const int icon_size = UISettings::values.folder_icon_size.GetValue();
.scaled(icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(QObject::tr("Add New Game Directory"), Qt::DisplayRole);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::AddDir);
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return false;
class GameListFavorites : public GameListItem {
explicit GameListFavorites() {
setData(type(), TypeRole);
const int icon_size = UISettings::values.folder_icon_size.GetValue();
.scaled(icon_size, icon_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation),
setData(QObject::tr("Favorites"), Qt::DisplayRole);
int type() const override {
return static_cast<int>(GameListItemType::Favorites);
bool operator<(const QStandardItem& other) const override {
return false;
class GameList;
class QHBoxLayout;
class QTreeView;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QToolButton;
class GameListSearchField : public QWidget {
explicit GameListSearchField(GameList* parent = nullptr);
QString filterText() const;
void setFilterResult(int visible_, int total_);
void clear();
void setFocus();
void changeEvent(QEvent*) override;
void RetranslateUI();
class KeyReleaseEater : public QObject {
explicit KeyReleaseEater(GameList* gamelist_, QObject* parent = nullptr);
GameList* gamelist = nullptr;
QString edit_filter_text_old;
// EventFilter in order to process systemkeys while editing the searchfield
bool eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) override;
int visible;
int total;
QHBoxLayout* layout_filter = nullptr;
QTreeView* tree_view = nullptr;
QLabel* label_filter = nullptr;
QLineEdit* edit_filter = nullptr;
QLabel* label_filter_result = nullptr;
QToolButton* button_filter_close = nullptr;