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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/core_timing.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_hardware_timer.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_process.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_scoped_resource_reservation.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_thread.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/svc.h"
namespace Kernel::Svc {
namespace {
constexpr bool IsValidVirtualCoreId(int32_t core_id) {
return (0 <= core_id && core_id < static_cast<int32_t>(Core::Hardware::NUM_CPU_CORES));
} // Anonymous namespace
/// Creates a new thread
Result CreateThread(Core::System& system, Handle* out_handle, u64 entry_point, u64 arg,
u64 stack_bottom, s32 priority, s32 core_id) {
"called entry_point=0x{:08X}, arg=0x{:08X}, stack_bottom=0x{:08X}, "
"priority=0x{:08X}, core_id=0x{:08X}",
entry_point, arg, stack_bottom, priority, core_id);
// Adjust core id, if it's the default magic.
auto& kernel = system.Kernel();
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
auto& process = GetCurrentProcess(kernel);
if (core_id == IdealCoreUseProcessValue) {
core_id = process.GetIdealCoreId();
// Validate arguments.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_UNLESS(IsValidVirtualCoreId(core_id), ResultInvalidCoreId);
R_UNLESS(((1ull << core_id) & process.GetCoreMask()) != 0, ResultInvalidCoreId);
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_UNLESS(HighestThreadPriority <= priority && priority <= LowestThreadPriority,
R_UNLESS(process.CheckThreadPriority(priority), ResultInvalidPriority);
// Reserve a new thread from the process resource limit (waiting up to 100ms).
KScopedResourceReservation thread_reservation(std::addressof(process),
LimitableResource::ThreadCountMax, 1,
kernel.HardwareTimer().GetTick() + 100000000);
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread_reservation.Succeeded(), ResultLimitReached);
// Create the thread.
KThread* thread = KThread::Create(kernel);
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread != nullptr, ResultOutOfResource)
SCOPE_EXIT({ thread->Close(); });
// Initialize the thread.
KScopedLightLock lk{process.GetStateLock()};
R_TRY(KThread::InitializeUserThread(system, thread, entry_point, arg, stack_bottom,
2023-03-07 17:01:07 +00:00
priority, core_id, std::addressof(process)));
// Commit the thread reservation.
// Clone the current fpu status to the new thread.
// Register the new thread.
KThread::Register(kernel, thread);
// Add the thread to the handle table.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_RETURN(process.GetHandleTable().Add(out_handle, thread));
/// Starts the thread for the provided handle
Result StartThread(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Kernel_SVC, "called thread=0x{:08X}", thread_handle);
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Try to start the thread.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
/// Called when a thread exits
void ExitThread(Core::System& system) {
auto* const current_thread = GetCurrentThreadPointer(system.Kernel());
/// Sleep the current thread
void SleepThread(Core::System& system, s64 ns) {
auto& kernel = system.Kernel();
const auto yield_type = static_cast<Svc::YieldType>(ns);
LOG_TRACE(Kernel_SVC, "called nanoseconds={}", ns);
// When the input tick is positive, sleep.
if (ns > 0) {
// Convert the timeout from nanoseconds to ticks.
// NOTE: Nintendo does not use this conversion logic in WaitSynchronization...
s64 timeout;
const s64 offset_tick(ns);
if (offset_tick > 0) {
timeout = kernel.HardwareTimer().GetTick() + offset_tick + 2;
if (timeout <= 0) {
timeout = std::numeric_limits<s64>::max();
} else {
timeout = std::numeric_limits<s64>::max();
// Sleep.
// NOTE: Nintendo does not check the result of this sleep.
} else if (yield_type == Svc::YieldType::WithoutCoreMigration) {
} else if (yield_type == Svc::YieldType::WithCoreMigration) {
} else if (yield_type == Svc::YieldType::ToAnyThread) {
} else {
// Nintendo does nothing at all if an otherwise invalid value is passed.
/// Gets the thread context
Result GetThreadContext3(Core::System& system, u64 out_context, Handle thread_handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Kernel_SVC, "called, out_context=0x{:08X}, thread_handle=0x{:X}", out_context,
auto& kernel = system.Kernel();
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Require the handle be to a non-current thread in the current process.
R_UNLESS(thread->GetOwnerProcess() == GetCurrentProcessPointer(kernel), ResultInvalidHandle);
R_UNLESS(thread.GetPointerUnsafe() != GetCurrentThreadPointer(kernel), ResultBusy);
// Get the thread context.
Svc::ThreadContext context{};
// Copy the thread context to user space.
GetCurrentMemory(kernel).WriteBlock(out_context, std::addressof(context), sizeof(context)),
/// Gets the priority for the specified thread
Result GetThreadPriority(Core::System& system, s32* out_priority, Handle handle) {
LOG_TRACE(Kernel_SVC, "called");
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Get the thread's priority.
*out_priority = thread->GetPriority();
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
/// Sets the priority for the specified thread
Result SetThreadPriority(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, s32 priority) {
// Get the current process.
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
KProcess& process = GetCurrentProcess(system.Kernel());
// Validate the priority.
R_UNLESS(HighestThreadPriority <= priority && priority <= LowestThreadPriority,
R_UNLESS(process.CheckThreadPriority(priority), ResultInvalidPriority);
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread = process.GetHandleTable().GetObject<KThread>(thread_handle);
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Set the thread priority.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
Result GetThreadList(Core::System& system, s32* out_num_threads, u64 out_thread_ids,
s32 out_thread_ids_size, Handle debug_handle) {
// TODO: Handle this case when debug events are supported.
UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(debug_handle != InvalidHandle);
LOG_DEBUG(Kernel_SVC, "called. out_thread_ids=0x{:016X}, out_thread_ids_size={}",
out_thread_ids, out_thread_ids_size);
// If the size is negative or larger than INT32_MAX / sizeof(u64)
if ((out_thread_ids_size & 0xF0000000) != 0) {
LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "Supplied size outside [0, 0x0FFFFFFF] range. size={}",
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
auto* const current_process = GetCurrentProcessPointer(system.Kernel());
const auto total_copy_size = out_thread_ids_size * sizeof(u64);
if (out_thread_ids_size > 0 &&
!current_process->GetPageTable().Contains(out_thread_ids, total_copy_size)) {
LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "Address range outside address space. begin=0x{:016X}, end=0x{:016X}",
out_thread_ids, out_thread_ids + total_copy_size);
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
auto& memory = GetCurrentMemory(system.Kernel());
const auto& thread_list = current_process->GetThreadList();
const auto num_threads = thread_list.size();
const auto copy_amount = std::min(static_cast<std::size_t>(out_thread_ids_size), num_threads);
auto list_iter = thread_list.cbegin();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < copy_amount; ++i, ++list_iter) {
2023-10-21 20:47:43 +00:00
memory.Write64(out_thread_ids, list_iter->GetThreadId());
out_thread_ids += sizeof(u64);
*out_num_threads = static_cast<u32>(num_threads);
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
Result GetThreadCoreMask(Core::System& system, s32* out_core_id, u64* out_affinity_mask,
Handle thread_handle) {
LOG_TRACE(Kernel_SVC, "called, handle=0x{:08X}", thread_handle);
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Get the core mask.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_RETURN(thread->GetCoreMask(out_core_id, out_affinity_mask));
Result SetThreadCoreMask(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, s32 core_id,
u64 affinity_mask) {
// Determine the core id/affinity mask.
if (core_id == IdealCoreUseProcessValue) {
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
core_id = GetCurrentProcess(system.Kernel()).GetIdealCoreId();
affinity_mask = (1ULL << core_id);
} else {
// Validate the affinity mask.
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
const u64 process_core_mask = GetCurrentProcess(system.Kernel()).GetCoreMask();
R_UNLESS((affinity_mask | process_core_mask) == process_core_mask, ResultInvalidCoreId);
R_UNLESS(affinity_mask != 0, ResultInvalidCombination);
// Validate the core id.
if (IsValidVirtualCoreId(core_id)) {
R_UNLESS(((1ULL << core_id) & affinity_mask) != 0, ResultInvalidCombination);
} else {
R_UNLESS(core_id == IdealCoreNoUpdate || core_id == IdealCoreDontCare,
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Set the core mask.
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
R_RETURN(thread->SetCoreMask(core_id, affinity_mask));
/// Get the ID for the specified thread.
Result GetThreadId(Core::System& system, u64* out_thread_id, Handle thread_handle) {
// Get the thread from its handle.
KScopedAutoObject thread =
2023-02-13 15:44:41 +00:00
R_UNLESS(thread.IsNotNull(), ResultInvalidHandle);
// Get the thread's id.
*out_thread_id = thread->GetId();
2023-03-07 05:13:05 +00:00
Result CreateThread64(Core::System& system, Handle* out_handle, uint64_t func, uint64_t arg,
uint64_t stack_bottom, int32_t priority, int32_t core_id) {
R_RETURN(CreateThread(system, out_handle, func, arg, stack_bottom, priority, core_id));
Result StartThread64(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(StartThread(system, thread_handle));
void ExitThread64(Core::System& system) {
return ExitThread(system);
void SleepThread64(Core::System& system, int64_t ns) {
return SleepThread(system, ns);
Result GetThreadPriority64(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_priority, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadPriority(system, out_priority, thread_handle));
Result SetThreadPriority64(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, int32_t priority) {
R_RETURN(SetThreadPriority(system, thread_handle, priority));
Result GetThreadCoreMask64(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_core_id, uint64_t* out_affinity_mask,
Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadCoreMask(system, out_core_id, out_affinity_mask, thread_handle));
Result SetThreadCoreMask64(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, int32_t core_id,
uint64_t affinity_mask) {
R_RETURN(SetThreadCoreMask(system, thread_handle, core_id, affinity_mask));
Result GetThreadId64(Core::System& system, uint64_t* out_thread_id, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadId(system, out_thread_id, thread_handle));
Result GetThreadContext364(Core::System& system, uint64_t out_context, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadContext3(system, out_context, thread_handle));
Result GetThreadList64(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_num_threads, uint64_t out_thread_ids,
int32_t max_out_count, Handle debug_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadList(system, out_num_threads, out_thread_ids, max_out_count, debug_handle));
Result CreateThread64From32(Core::System& system, Handle* out_handle, uint32_t func, uint32_t arg,
uint32_t stack_bottom, int32_t priority, int32_t core_id) {
R_RETURN(CreateThread(system, out_handle, func, arg, stack_bottom, priority, core_id));
Result StartThread64From32(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(StartThread(system, thread_handle));
void ExitThread64From32(Core::System& system) {
return ExitThread(system);
void SleepThread64From32(Core::System& system, int64_t ns) {
return SleepThread(system, ns);
Result GetThreadPriority64From32(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_priority,
Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadPriority(system, out_priority, thread_handle));
Result SetThreadPriority64From32(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, int32_t priority) {
R_RETURN(SetThreadPriority(system, thread_handle, priority));
Result GetThreadCoreMask64From32(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_core_id,
uint64_t* out_affinity_mask, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadCoreMask(system, out_core_id, out_affinity_mask, thread_handle));
Result SetThreadCoreMask64From32(Core::System& system, Handle thread_handle, int32_t core_id,
uint64_t affinity_mask) {
R_RETURN(SetThreadCoreMask(system, thread_handle, core_id, affinity_mask));
Result GetThreadId64From32(Core::System& system, uint64_t* out_thread_id, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadId(system, out_thread_id, thread_handle));
Result GetThreadContext364From32(Core::System& system, uint32_t out_context, Handle thread_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadContext3(system, out_context, thread_handle));
Result GetThreadList64From32(Core::System& system, int32_t* out_num_threads,
uint32_t out_thread_ids, int32_t max_out_count, Handle debug_handle) {
R_RETURN(GetThreadList(system, out_num_threads, out_thread_ids, max_out_count, debug_handle));
} // namespace Kernel::Svc