* 2048-qt: orphan [ci skip] * CPU-X: orphan [ci skip] * Platinum9-theme: orphan [ci skip] * SIR: orphan [ci skip] * WoeUSB: orphan [ci skip] * acpilight: orphan [ci skip] * alarm-clock: orphan [ci skip] * alert-after: orphan [ci skip] * annie: orphan [ci skip] * archiver: orphan [ci skip] * archlabs-themes: orphan [ci skip] * arena: orphan [ci skip] * avideo: orphan [ci skip] * bat: orphan [ci skip] * bgc: orphan [ci skip] * biblioteq: orphan [ci skip] * bitfighter: orphan [ci skip] * black: orphan [ci skip] * breeze-cursors: orphan [ci skip] * brightnessctl: orphan [ci skip] * c: orphan [ci skip] * cadence: orphan [ci skip] * caffeine-ng: orphan [ci skip] * catfish: orphan [ci skip] * cbatticon-gtk3: orphan [ci skip] * cdetect: orphan [ci skip] * chkrootkit: orphan [ci skip] * ckbcomp: orphan [ci skip] * clearine: orphan [ci skip] * clearlooks-phenix-darkpurpy-theme: orphan [ci skip] * clustalo: orphan [ci skip] * clyrics: orphan [ci skip] * codecrypt: orphan [ci skip] * conspy: orphan [ci skip] * cpuid: orphan [ci skip] * croc: orphan [ci skip] * curseradio: orphan [ci skip] * dadadodo: orphan [ci skip] * dav: orphan [ci skip] * ddcutil: orphan [ci skip] * ddgr: orphan [ci skip] * devedeng: orphan [ci skip] * diskscan: orphan [ci skip] * doomretro: orphan [ci skip] * dutree: orphan [ci skip] * eperiodique: orphan [ci skip] * eqonomize: orphan [ci skip] * etcetera: orphan [ci skip] * fbmenugen: orphan [ci skip] * ffscreencast: orphan [ci skip] * fgit: orphan [ci skip] * fillets-ng: orphan [ci skip] * flameshot: orphan [ci skip] * fmit: orphan [ci skip] * focuswriter: orphan [ci skip] * font-awesome5: orphan [ci skip] * fotoxx: orphan [ci skip] * freeorion: orphan [ci skip] * frp: orphan [ci skip] * garden: orphan [ci skip] * gcompris-qt: orphan [ci skip] * giac: orphan [ci skip] * gifski: orphan [ci skip] * google-earth-pro: orphan [ci skip] * goproxy: orphan [ci skip] * gops: orphan [ci skip] * gtk-theme-united-gnome: orphan [ci skip] * gtkedit: orphan [ci skip] * guitarix2: orphan [ci skip] * hd-idle: orphan [ci skip] * hey: orphan [ci skip] * hunspell-pt_BR: orphan [ci skip] * id3: orphan [ci skip] * idesk: orphan [ci skip] * ideviceinstaller: orphan [ci skip] * imagewriter: orphan [ci skip] * input-utils: orphan [ci skip] * jdupes: orphan [ci skip] * jgmenu: orphan [ci skip] * kaffeine: orphan [ci skip] * kakasi: orphan [ci skip] * kickshaw: orphan [ci skip] * linux4.18: orphan [ci skip] * logtop: orphan [ci skip] * lsscsi: orphan [ci skip] * mate-menu: orphan [ci skip] * mate-tweak: orphan [ci skip] * memtester: orphan [ci skip] * menutray: orphan [ci skip] * miniserve: orphan [ci skip] * monocypher: orphan [ci skip] * msg2: orphan [ci skip] * mtpaint: orphan [ci skip] * nasa-wallpaper: orphan [ci skip] * nootka: orphan [ci skip] * oblogout: orphan [ci skip] * overpass-otf: orphan [ci skip] * oxipng: orphan [ci skip] * pan: orphan [ci skip] * pantheon-screenshot: orphan [ci skip] * pdftag: orphan [ci skip] * peek: orphan [ci skip] * pioneer: orphan [ci skip] * postgis: orphan [ci skip] * pstate-frequency: orphan [ci skip] * pulseeffects: orphan [ci skip] * qarma: orphan [ci skip] * qastools: orphan [ci skip] * qcas: orphan [ci skip] * qml-box2d: orphan [ci skip] * qtav: orphan [ci skip] * qtfm: orphan [ci skip] * qytdl: orphan [ci skip] * rednotebook: orphan [ci skip] * remmina: orphan [ci skip] * renameutils: orphan [ci skip] * robotfindskitten: orphan [ci skip] * rooster: orphan [ci skip] * rssguard: orphan [ci skip] * rubyripper: orphan [ci skip] * ryzen-stabilizator: orphan [ci skip] * s: orphan [ci skip] * searchfile: orphan [ci skip] * sk1: orphan [ci skip] * soundconverter: orphan [ci skip] * spectre-meltdown-checker: orphan [ci skip] * speed-dreams: orphan [ci skip] * starfighter: orphan [ci skip] * stegsnow: orphan [ci skip] * sterm: orphan [ci skip] * subuser: orphan [ci skip] * supercat: orphan [ci skip] * swh-plugins: orphan [ci skip] * tango-icon-theme: orphan [ci skip] * taralli: orphan [ci skip] * tekaim: orphan [ci skip] * ternimal: orphan [ci skip] * thunar-media-tags-plugin: orphan [ci skip] * tryton: orphan [ci skip] * tty-solitaire: orphan [ci skip] * uftp: orphan [ci skip] * ufw-extras: orphan [ci skip] * urxvtconfig: orphan [ci skip] * usbtop: orphan [ci skip] * vcdimager: orphan [ci skip] * vmap: orphan [ci skip] * waitforfile: orphan [ci skip] * xcircuit: orphan [ci skip] * xfce-polkit: orphan [ci skip] * xkcdpass: orphan [ci skip] * xlennart: orphan [ci skip] * xreader: orphan [ci skip] * xsoldier: orphan [ci skip] * xstarter: orphan [ci skip] * xwallpaper: orphan [ci skip] * yaz: orphan [ci skip] * zchunk: orphan [ci skip] * zrandr: orphan [ci skip]
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# Template file for 'google-earth-pro'
depends="alsa-lib desktop-file-utils fontconfig glu gst-plugins-base1
hicolor-icon-theme libSM libXi libXrender libcups libproxy nss"
short_desc="Explore the far reaches of the world"
maintainer="Orphaned <orphan@voidlinux.eu>"
post_fetch() {
$XBPS_FETCH_CMD https://www.google.com/intl/ALL/policies/terms/index.html>Google-Terms-of-Service.html \
https://www.google.com/help/terms_maps.html>Google-Earth-Additional-Terms-of-Service.html \
https://www.google.com/help/legalnotices_maps.html>Legal-Notices-for-Google-Earth-and-Google-Earth-APIs.html \
rm {index.html,legalnotices_maps.html,terms_maps.html}
do_extract() {
ar x ${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/${pkgname}-stable_${version}-r0_amd64.deb
tar xf data.tar.xz
do_install() {
vmkdir opt/google
vcopy opt/google/earth opt/google
vmkdir usr/bin
ln -s /opt/google/earth/pro/googleearth ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/${pkgname}
vinstall opt/google/earth/pro/${pkgname}.desktop 644 usr/share/applications
for i in 16 22 24 32 48 64 128 256; do
vinstall opt/google/earth/pro/product_logo_${i}.png 644 \
usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps ${pkgname}.png
for i in ${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/Google-Terms-of-Service.html \
${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/Google-Earth-Additional-Terms-of-Service.html \
${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/Legal-Notices-for-Google-Earth-and-Google-Earth-APIs.html \
${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/Google-Privacy-Policy.html; do
vlicense ${i}
# Fix Search
sed -i '/googleearth-bin/s/^/LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 /' \