- Added a build option 'ecl' (enabled by default) - The ecl binary and library will be in a subpkg maxima-ecl so this should not affect current users of maxima - new patches: - a0d7a43...: build a FASL library for ECL (this is merged upstream) - handle-multiple-ldflags.patch: otherwise compilation with multiple options in LDFLAGS fails (taken from debian) - matrixexp.patch: fixes an error in matrix exponentiation (taken from debian, this originates in sagemath) A weak point is that the library maxima.fas is installed in /usr/lib/ecl-${ecl_version} which is where ecl looks for them, but this doesn't seem right. Maybe an alternative would be to have the ecl package ship a symlink at /usr/lib/ecl pointing to the versioned directory, then have the maxima-ecl package place its library in the non-versioned directory.
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