Piotr Wójcik 7f77ed3550 perl: fix provides version
For purpose of version sorting, xbps interprets every number following
an underscore as revision, see mkcomponent in dewey.c.
Rewrite version with dot, so perl's float semantic is retained.
2021-02-10 21:29:32 +01:00

272 lines
6.9 KiB

## Name:
## update-perl-provides
## Description:
## Patch the provides list in the perl package PKGBUILD. Scan the appropriate
## directories under the perl source tree for directories containing dists
## similar to CPAN dists. Search the files in the distributions for VERSION
## strings, which are perl expressions. Filters these version strings through
## the perl interpreter, then transform the dist. names and versions into
## package names and versions. Finally, we cut out the "provides" array from the
## template and replace it with the newer version.
## Usage:
## update-provides.pl [path to perl source tree] [path to template]
## Caveats:
## The path code is not platform independent and will only work in POSIX.
## Changelog:
## 07/25/14 JR Updated for void.
## 06/10/14 JD Rewrite from scratch for perl 5.20.0 and ArchLinux.
## Authors:
## Justin "juster" Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
## Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>
use warnings;
use strict;
sub err
print STDERR "$0: error: @_\n";
exit 1;
## Extract the dist. name from its containing directory.
sub path_dist
my($path) = @_;
$path =~ s{^.*/}{};
return $path;
## Create a path like $path/lib/Foo/Bar.pm for Foo::Bar.
sub lib_modpath
my($path, $modname) = @_;
$modname =~ s{::}{/}g;
return "$path/lib/$modname.pm";
## Create a path to a file in the containing directory, named after
## the last segment of the module name, with suffix attached.
sub dumb_modpath
my($path, $modname, $suffix) = @_;
$modname =~ s{^.*::}{};
return "$path/$modname$suffix";
## Find a source file contained in the directory that we can scrape the
## perl versions string from.
my %distmods = (
'PathTools' => 'Cwd',
'Scalar-List-Utils' => 'List::Util',
'IO-Compress' => 'IO::Compress::Gzip',
sub dist_srcpath
my($path) = @_;
my $distname = path_dist($path);
my $modname;
if(exists $distmods{$distname}){
$modname = $distmods{$distname};
$modname = $distname;
$modname =~ s/-/::/g;
my @srcpaths = (
lib_modpath($path, $modname),
dumb_modpath($path, $modname, '.pm'),
dumb_modpath($path, $modname, '_pm.PL'),
dumb_modpath($path, '__'.$modname.'__', '.pm'),
"$path/VERSION", # for podlators
for my $src (@srcpaths){
return $src if(-f $src);
return undef;
## Scrape the version string for the module file or Makefile.PL.
sub scrape_verln
my($srcpath) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $srcpath or die "open: $!";
while(my $ln = <$fh>){
if($ln =~ s/^.*VERSION *=>? *//){
close $fh;
return $ln;
close $fh;
err("failed to find VERSION in $srcpath");
## Scrape the version string from the module source file.
sub scrape_modver
my($srcpath) = @_;
return scrape_verln($srcpath);
## Scrape the version string from the Makefile.PL. (for libnet)
sub scrape_mkplver
my($srcpath) = @_;
my $verln = scrape_verln($srcpath);
$verln =~ s/,/;/;
return $verln;
## Scrape the version string from a file inside the dist dir.
sub distpath_ver
my($distpath) = @_;
my $srcpath = dist_srcpath($distpath);
my $mkplpath = "$distpath/Makefile.PL";
if(defined $srcpath){
return scrape_modver($srcpath);
}elsif(-f $mkplpath){
return scrape_mkplver($mkplpath);
err("failed to scrape version from $distpath");
## Search the base path for the dist dirs and extract their respective
## version strings.
sub find_distvers
my($basepath) = @_;
opendir my $dh, $basepath or die "opendir: $!";
my @dirs = grep { -d $_ } map { "$basepath/$_" } grep { !/^[.]/ } readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
my @distvers;
for my $dpath (@dirs){
push @distvers, [ path_dist($dpath), distpath_ver($dpath) ];
return @distvers;
## Maps an aref of dist name/perl version strings (perl expressions) to
## a package name and version string suitable for a PKGBUILD.
sub pkgspec
my($dist, $ver) = @$_;
## print STDOUT "dist $dist\n";
## $dist =~ tr/-/./;
#print STDOUT "1 dist $dist\n";
#$dist =~ tr/_0-9.-//cd;
#print STDOUT "2 dist $dist\n";
$ver =~ tr/././s; # only one period at a time
$ver =~ s/\A[.]|[.]\z//g; # shouldn't start or stop with a period
$ver =~ s/(\d)_(\d)/$1.$2/g; # retain 1.12 < 1.12_01 < 1.13 order in xbps ...
$ver =~ s/^([0-9.]+);/'$1';/; # ... then turn broken numeric literal into string
$ver = eval $ver;
my $rev = "_1";
my $res = "perl-$dist-$ver" . $rev;
return $res;
## Searches the perl source dir provided for a list of packages which
## correspond to the core distributions bundled within in.
sub perlcorepkgs
my($perlpath) = @_;
my @dirs = ("$perlpath/cpan", "$perlpath/dist");
my @provs;
for my $d (@dirs){
if(!-d $d){
err("$d is not a valid directory");
push @provs, map pkgspec, find_distvers($d);
return @provs;
## Formats the provided lines into a neatly formatted bash array. The first arg
## is the name of the bash variable to assign it to.
sub basharray
my $vname = shift;
## Sort entries and surround with quotes.
my @lns = sort map { qq{$_} } @_;
$lns[0] = "$vname=\"$lns[0]";
## Indent lines for OCD geeks.
if(@lns > 1){
my $ind = length($vname) + 2;
splice @lns, 1, @lns-1,
map { (' ' x $ind) . $_ } @lns[1 .. $#lns];
$lns[$#lns] .= '"';
return map { "$_\n" } @lns;
## Patch the PKGBUILD at the given path with a new provides array, overwriting
## the old one.
sub patchpb
my $pbpath = shift;
open my $fh, '<', $pbpath or die "open: $!";
my @lines = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my($i, $j);
for($i = 0; $i < @lines; $i++){
last if($lines[$i] =~ /^provides="/);
if($i == @lines){
err("failed to find provides array in xbps template");
for($j = $i; $j < @lines; $j++){
last if($lines[$j] =~ /["]/);
if($j == @lines){
err("failed to find end of provides array");
splice @lines, $i, $j-$i+1,
basharray('provides', grep { !/win32|next/ } @_);
## Avoid corrupting the existing template in case of a crash, etc.
if(-f "$pbpath.$$"){
err("pbpath.$$ temporary file already exists, please remove it.");
open $fh, '>', "$pbpath.$$" or die "open: $!";
print $fh @lines;
close $fh or die "close: $!";
rename "$pbpath.$$", "$pbpath" or die "rename: $!";
## Program entrypoint.
sub main
if(@_ < 2){
print STDERR "usage: $0 [perl source path] [template path]\n";
exit 2;
my($perlpath, $pbpath) = @_;
if(!-f $pbpath){
err("$pbpath is not a valid file.");
}elsif(!-d $perlpath){
err("$perlpath is not a valid directory.");
patchpb($pbpath, perlcorepkgs($perlpath));
exit 0;