Continuation of my work at #28422 Upstream mcpp is abandonware and is missing features newer versions of Ice need to build. There are supposedly patches applicable to the official mcpp that allows it to work but I couldn't see links to any (I'm guessing they live in distros). Instead I tried packaging ZeroC's officially maintained stripped down library only version (see previous commit e617a384). Tests have been disabled because they take a disgustingly long time to build and have to be hand blacklisted to the ones that don't fail on each platform. I tested this package by building and running Murmur from the `mumble` package. Almost all of the patches had completely bit-rotted, I salvaged a few that was still relevant but the rest had to be thrown away. I made the changes necessary to cross-compile to aarch64-musl but the result untested as I don't have any exotic systems to test with (`mumble` was built for aarch64-musl as well).
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# Template file for 'Ice'
make_build_args="LANGUAGES=cpp prefix=/usr OPTIMIZE=yes
USR_DIR_INSTALL=yes CONFIGS=shared CONFIGS+=cpp11-shared"
make_install_args="LANGUAGES=cpp prefix=/usr lib-suffix="
makedepends="zlib-devel bzip2-devel zeroc-mcpp db-devel expat-devel
libressl-devel lmdb-devel editline-devel"
short_desc="Internet Communications Engine (Ice)"
maintainer="a dinosaur <>"
license="GPL-2.0-only, custom:ICE"
if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then
# Cross build requires the host's slice2cpp
hostmakedepends+=" Ice"
do_configure() {
# Disable building tests
vsed 's|include \$(top_srcdir)/config/Make.tests.rules||' -i config/Make.rules
# Disable errors on warnings
vsed 's|-Werror|-Wno-error|' -i config/Make.rules.Linux
# Patch to fix finding editline
vsed 's|-ledit|-leditline|' -i config/Make.rules.Linux
vsed 's|editline/readline.h|editline.h|' -i cpp/src/IceStorm/Parser.cpp cpp/src/IceGrid/Parser.cpp
if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then
# Use host's slice2cpp
vsed -i config/Make.project.rules \
-e 's/$($6_path) |/|/' \
-e 's|$(Q)$($6_path)|$(Q)/usr/bin/slice2cpp|'
post_install() {
vlicense ICE_LICENSE
libIce_package() {
short_desc+=" - runtime libraries"
pkg_install() {
vmove "usr/lib/*.so.*"
Ice-devel_package() {
depends="libIce>=${version}_${revision} Ice>=${version}_${revision}"
short_desc+=" - development files"
pkg_install() {
vmove usr/include
vmove "usr/lib/*.so"