kicad: drop upstreamed patch
[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 464 deletions
@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
Source: upstream
--- common/system/libcontext.cpp
+++ common/system/libcontext.cpp
@@ -710,3 +710,445 @@ __asm (
+#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc32) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
+__asm (
+".globl jump_fcontext\n"
+".align 2\n"
+".type jump_fcontext,@function\n"
+" # reserve space on stack\n"
+" subi %r1, %r1, 240\n"
+" stw %r13, 152(%r1) # save R13\n"
+" stw %r14, 156(%r1) # save R14\n"
+" stw %r15, 160(%r1) # save R15\n"
+" stw %r16, 164(%r1) # save R16\n"
+" stw %r17, 168(%r1) # save R17\n"
+" stw %r18, 172(%r1) # save R18\n"
+" stw %r19, 176(%r1) # save R19\n"
+" stw %r20, 180(%r1) # save R20\n"
+" stw %r21, 184(%r1) # save R21\n"
+" stw %r22, 188(%r1) # save R22\n"
+" stw %r23, 192(%r1) # save R23\n"
+" stw %r24, 196(%r1) # save R24\n"
+" stw %r25, 200(%r1) # save R25\n"
+" stw %r26, 204(%r1) # save R26\n"
+" stw %r27, 208(%r1) # save R27\n"
+" stw %r28, 212(%r1) # save R28\n"
+" stw %r29, 216(%r1) # save R29\n"
+" stw %r30, 220(%r1) # save R30\n"
+" stw %r31, 224(%r1) # save R31\n"
+" # save CR\n"
+" mfcr %r0\n"
+" stw %r0, 228(%r1)\n"
+" # save LR\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" stw %r0, 232(%r1)\n"
+" # save LR as PC\n"
+" stw %r0, 236(%r1)\n"
+" # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
+" cmpwi cr7, %r6, 0\n"
+" beq cr7, 1f\n"
+" stfd %f14, 0(%r1) # save F14\n"
+" stfd %f15, 8(%r1) # save F15\n"
+" stfd %f16, 16(%r1) # save F16\n"
+" stfd %f17, 24(%r1) # save F17\n"
+" stfd %f18, 32(%r1) # save F18\n"
+" stfd %f19, 40(%r1) # save F19\n"
+" stfd %f20, 48(%r1) # save F20\n"
+" stfd %f21, 56(%r1) # save F21\n"
+" stfd %f22, 64(%r1) # save F22\n"
+" stfd %f23, 72(%r1) # save F23\n"
+" stfd %f24, 80(%r1) # save F24\n"
+" stfd %f25, 88(%r1) # save F25\n"
+" stfd %f26, 96(%r1) # save F26\n"
+" stfd %f27, 104(%r1) # save F27\n"
+" stfd %f28, 112(%r1) # save F28\n"
+" stfd %f29, 120(%r1) # save F29\n"
+" stfd %f30, 128(%r1) # save F30\n"
+" stfd %f31, 136(%r1) # save F31\n"
+" mffs %f0 # load FPSCR\n"
+" stfd %f0, 144(%r1) # save FPSCR\n"
+" # store RSP (pointing to context-data) in R3\n"
+" stw %r1, 0(%r3)\n"
+" # restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from R4\n"
+" mr %r1, %r4\n"
+" # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
+" cmpwi cr7, %r6, 0\n"
+" beq cr7, 2f\n"
+" lfd %f14, 0(%r1) # restore F14\n"
+" lfd %f15, 8(%r1) # restore F15\n"
+" lfd %f16, 16(%r1) # restore F16\n"
+" lfd %f17, 24(%r1) # restore F17\n"
+" lfd %f18, 32(%r1) # restore F18\n"
+" lfd %f19, 40(%r1) # restore F19\n"
+" lfd %f20, 48(%r1) # restore F20\n"
+" lfd %f21, 56(%r1) # restore F21\n"
+" lfd %f22, 64(%r1) # restore F22\n"
+" lfd %f23, 72(%r1) # restore F23\n"
+" lfd %f24, 80(%r1) # restore F24\n"
+" lfd %f25, 88(%r1) # restore F25\n"
+" lfd %f26, 96(%r1) # restore F26\n"
+" lfd %f27, 104(%r1) # restore F27\n"
+" lfd %f28, 112(%r1) # restore F28\n"
+" lfd %f29, 120(%r1) # restore F29\n"
+" lfd %f30, 128(%r1) # restore F30\n"
+" lfd %f31, 136(%r1) # restore F31\n"
+" lfd %f0, 144(%r1) # load FPSCR\n"
+" mtfsf 0xff, %f0 # restore FPSCR\n"
+" lwz %r13, 152(%r1) # restore R13\n"
+" lwz %r14, 156(%r1) # restore R14\n"
+" lwz %r15, 160(%r1) # restore R15\n"
+" lwz %r16, 164(%r1) # restore R16\n"
+" lwz %r17, 168(%r1) # restore R17\n"
+" lwz %r18, 172(%r1) # restore R18\n"
+" lwz %r19, 176(%r1) # restore R19\n"
+" lwz %r20, 180(%r1) # restore R20\n"
+" lwz %r21, 184(%r1) # restore R21\n"
+" lwz %r22, 188(%r1) # restore R22\n"
+" lwz %r23, 192(%r1) # restore R23\n"
+" lwz %r24, 196(%r1) # restore R24\n"
+" lwz %r25, 200(%r1) # restore R25\n"
+" lwz %r26, 204(%r1) # restore R26\n"
+" lwz %r27, 208(%r1) # restore R27\n"
+" lwz %r28, 212(%r1) # restore R28\n"
+" lwz %r29, 216(%r1) # restore R29\n"
+" lwz %r30, 220(%r1) # restore R30\n"
+" lwz %r31, 224(%r1) # restore R31\n"
+" # restore CR\n"
+" lwz %r0, 228(%r1)\n"
+" mtcr %r0\n"
+" # restore LR\n"
+" lwz %r0, 232(%r1)\n"
+" mtlr %r0\n"
+" # load PC\n"
+" lwz %r0, 236(%r1)\n"
+" # restore CTR\n"
+" mtctr %r0\n"
+" # adjust stack\n"
+" addi %r1, %r1, 240\n"
+" # use third arg as return value after jump\n"
+" # use third arg as first arg in context function\n"
+" mr %r3, %r5\n"
+" # jump to context\n"
+" bctr\n"
+".size jump_fcontext, .-jump_fcontext\n"
+".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
+#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc32) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
+__asm (
+".globl make_fcontext\n"
+".align 2\n"
+".type make_fcontext,@function\n"
+" # save return address into R6\n"
+" mflr %r6\n"
+" # first arg of make_fcontext() == top address of context-function\n"
+" # shift address in R3 to lower 16 byte boundary\n"
+" clrrwi %r3, %r3, 4\n"
+" # reserve space for context-data on context-stack\n"
+" # including 64 byte of linkage + parameter area (R1 % 16 == 0)\n"
+" subi %r3, %r3, 304\n"
+" # third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function\n"
+" stw %r5, 236(%r3)\n"
+" # load LR\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" # jump to label 1\n"
+" bl 1f\n"
+" # load LR into R4\n"
+" mflr %r4\n"
+" # compute abs address of label finish\n"
+" addi %r4, %r4, finish - 1b\n"
+" # restore LR\n"
+" mtlr %r0\n"
+" # save address of finish as return-address for context-function\n"
+" # will be entered after context-function returns\n"
+" stw %r4, 232(%r3)\n"
+" # restore return address from R6\n"
+" mtlr %r6\n"
+" blr # return pointer to context-data\n"
+" # save return address into R0\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" # save return address on stack, set up stack frame\n"
+" stw %r0, 4(%r1)\n"
+" # allocate stack space, R1 % 16 == 0\n"
+" stwu %r1, -16(%r1)\n"
+" # exit code is zero\n"
+" li %r3, 0\n"
+" # exit application\n"
+" bl _exit@plt\n"
+".size make_fcontext, .-make_fcontext\n"
+".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
+#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
+__asm (
+".globl jump_fcontext\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+" addis %r2, %r12, .TOC.-jump_fcontext@ha\n"
+" addi %r2, %r2, .TOC.-jump_fcontext@l\n"
+" .localentry jump_fcontext, . - jump_fcontext\n"
+" .section \".opd\",\"aw\"\n"
+" .align 3\n"
+# ifdef _CALL_LINUX
+" .quad .L.jump_fcontext,.TOC.@tocbase,0\n"
+" .type jump_fcontext,@function\n"
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+# else
+" .hidden .jump_fcontext\n"
+" .globl .jump_fcontext\n"
+" .quad .jump_fcontext,.TOC.@tocbase,0\n"
+" .size jump_fcontext,24\n"
+" .type .jump_fcontext,@function\n"
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+# endif
+" # reserve space on stack\n"
+" subi %r1, %r1, 328\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF != 2
+" std %r2, 152(%r1) # save TOC\n"
+" std %r14, 160(%r1) # save R14\n"
+" std %r15, 168(%r1) # save R15\n"
+" std %r16, 176(%r1) # save R16\n"
+" std %r17, 184(%r1) # save R17\n"
+" std %r18, 192(%r1) # save R18\n"
+" std %r19, 200(%r1) # save R19\n"
+" std %r20, 208(%r1) # save R20\n"
+" std %r21, 216(%r1) # save R21\n"
+" std %r22, 224(%r1) # save R22\n"
+" std %r23, 232(%r1) # save R23\n"
+" std %r24, 240(%r1) # save R24\n"
+" std %r25, 248(%r1) # save R25\n"
+" std %r26, 256(%r1) # save R26\n"
+" std %r27, 264(%r1) # save R27\n"
+" std %r28, 272(%r1) # save R28\n"
+" std %r29, 280(%r1) # save R29\n"
+" std %r30, 288(%r1) # save R30\n"
+" std %r31, 296(%r1) # save R31\n"
+" # save CR\n"
+" mfcr %r0\n"
+" std %r0, 304(%r1)\n"
+" # save LR\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" std %r0, 312(%r1)\n"
+" # save LR as PC\n"
+" std %r0, 320(%r1)\n"
+" # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
+" cmpwi cr7, %r6, 0\n"
+" beq cr7, 1f\n"
+" stfd %f14, 0(%r1) # save F14\n"
+" stfd %f15, 8(%r1) # save F15\n"
+" stfd %f16, 16(%r1) # save F16\n"
+" stfd %f17, 24(%r1) # save F17\n"
+" stfd %f18, 32(%r1) # save F18\n"
+" stfd %f19, 40(%r1) # save F19\n"
+" stfd %f20, 48(%r1) # save F20\n"
+" stfd %f21, 56(%r1) # save F21\n"
+" stfd %f22, 64(%r1) # save F22\n"
+" stfd %f23, 72(%r1) # save F23\n"
+" stfd %f24, 80(%r1) # save F24\n"
+" stfd %f25, 88(%r1) # save F25\n"
+" stfd %f26, 96(%r1) # save F26\n"
+" stfd %f27, 104(%r1) # save F27\n"
+" stfd %f28, 112(%r1) # save F28\n"
+" stfd %f29, 120(%r1) # save F29\n"
+" stfd %f30, 128(%r1) # save F30\n"
+" stfd %f31, 136(%r1) # save F31\n"
+" mffs %f0 # load FPSCR\n"
+" stfd %f0, 144(%r1) # save FPSCR\n"
+" # store RSP (pointing to context-data) in R3\n"
+" std %r1, 0(%r3)\n"
+" # restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from R4\n"
+" mr %r1, %r4\n"
+" # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
+" cmpwi cr7, %r6, 0\n"
+" beq cr7, 2f\n"
+" lfd %f14, 0(%r1) # restore F14\n"
+" lfd %f15, 8(%r1) # restore F15\n"
+" lfd %f16, 16(%r1) # restore F16\n"
+" lfd %f17, 24(%r1) # restore F17\n"
+" lfd %f18, 32(%r1) # restore F18\n"
+" lfd %f19, 40(%r1) # restore F19\n"
+" lfd %f20, 48(%r1) # restore F20\n"
+" lfd %f21, 56(%r1) # restore F21\n"
+" lfd %f22, 64(%r1) # restore F22\n"
+" lfd %f23, 72(%r1) # restore F23\n"
+" lfd %f24, 80(%r1) # restore F24\n"
+" lfd %f25, 88(%r1) # restore F25\n"
+" lfd %f26, 96(%r1) # restore F26\n"
+" lfd %f27, 104(%r1) # restore F27\n"
+" lfd %f28, 112(%r1) # restore F28\n"
+" lfd %f29, 120(%r1) # restore F29\n"
+" lfd %f30, 128(%r1) # restore F30\n"
+" lfd %f31, 136(%r1) # restore F31\n"
+" lfd %f0, 144(%r1) # load FPSCR\n"
+" mtfsf 0xff, %f0 # restore FPSCR\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF != 2
+" ld %r2, 152(%r1) # restore TOC\n"
+" ld %r14, 160(%r1) # restore R14\n"
+" ld %r15, 168(%r1) # restore R15\n"
+" ld %r16, 176(%r1) # restore R16\n"
+" ld %r17, 184(%r1) # restore R17\n"
+" ld %r18, 192(%r1) # restore R18\n"
+" ld %r19, 200(%r1) # restore R19\n"
+" ld %r20, 208(%r1) # restore R20\n"
+" ld %r21, 216(%r1) # restore R21\n"
+" ld %r22, 224(%r1) # restore R22\n"
+" ld %r23, 232(%r1) # restore R23\n"
+" ld %r24, 240(%r1) # restore R24\n"
+" ld %r25, 248(%r1) # restore R25\n"
+" ld %r26, 256(%r1) # restore R26\n"
+" ld %r27, 264(%r1) # restore R27\n"
+" ld %r28, 272(%r1) # restore R28\n"
+" ld %r29, 280(%r1) # restore R29\n"
+" ld %r30, 288(%r1) # restore R30\n"
+" ld %r31, 296(%r1) # restore R31\n"
+" # restore CR\n"
+" ld %r0, 304(%r1)\n"
+" mtcr %r0\n"
+" # restore LR\n"
+" ld %r0, 312(%r1)\n"
+" mtlr %r0\n"
+" # load PC\n"
+" ld %r12, 320(%r1)\n"
+" # restore CTR\n"
+" mtctr %r12\n"
+" # adjust stack\n"
+" addi %r1, %r1, 328\n"
+" # use third arg as return value after jump\n"
+" # use third arg as first arg in context function\n"
+" mr %r3, %r5\n"
+" # jump to context\n"
+" bctr\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+" .size jump_fcontext, .-jump_fcontext\n"
+# ifdef _CALL_LINUX
+" .size .jump_fcontext, .-.L.jump_fcontext\n"
+# else
+" .size .jump_fcontext, .-.jump_fcontext\n"
+# endif
+".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
+#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
+__asm (
+".globl make_fcontext\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+" addis %r2, %r12, .TOC.-make_fcontext@ha\n"
+" addi %r2, %r2, .TOC.-make_fcontext@l\n"
+" .localentry make_fcontext, . - make_fcontext\n"
+" .section \".opd\",\"aw\"\n"
+" .align 3\n"
+# ifdef _CALL_LINUX
+" .quad .L.make_fcontext,.TOC.@tocbase,0\n"
+" .type make_fcontext,@function\n"
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+# else
+" .hidden .make_fcontext\n"
+" .globl .make_fcontext\n"
+" .quad .make_fcontext,.TOC.@tocbase,0\n"
+" .size make_fcontext,24\n"
+" .type .make_fcontext,@function\n"
+" .text\n"
+" .align 2\n"
+# endif
+" # save return address into R6\n"
+" mflr %r6\n"
+" # first arg of make_fcontext() == top address of context-stack\n"
+" # shift address in R3 to lower 16 byte boundary\n"
+" clrrdi %r3, %r3, 4\n"
+" # reserve space for context-data on context-stack\n"
+" # including 64 byte of linkage + parameter area (R1 % 16 == 0)\n"
+" subi %r3, %r3, 392\n"
+" # third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function\n"
+" # entry point (ELFv2) or descriptor (ELFv1)\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+" # save address of context-function entry point\n"
+" std %r5, 320(%r3)\n"
+" # save address of context-function entry point\n"
+" ld %r4, 0(%r5)\n"
+" std %r4, 320(%r3)\n"
+" # save TOC of context-function\n"
+" ld %r4, 8(%r5)\n"
+" std %r4, 152(%r3)\n"
+" # load LR\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" # jump to label 1\n"
+" bl 1f\n"
+" # load LR into R4\n"
+" mflr %r4\n"
+" # compute abs address of label finish\n"
+" addi %r4, %r4, finish - 1b\n"
+" # restore LR\n"
+" mtlr %r0\n"
+" # save address of finish as return-address for context-function\n"
+" # will be entered after context-function returns\n"
+" std %r4, 312(%r3)\n"
+" # restore return address from R6\n"
+" mtlr %r6\n"
+" blr # return pointer to context-data\n"
+" # save return address into R0\n"
+" mflr %r0\n"
+" # save return address on stack, set up stack frame\n"
+" std %r0, 8(%r1)\n"
+" # allocate stack space, R1 % 16 == 0\n"
+" stdu %r1, -32(%r1)\n"
+" # exit code is zero\n"
+" li %r3, 0\n"
+" # exit application\n"
+" bl _exit\n"
+" nop\n"
+#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+" .size make_fcontext, .-make_fcontext\n"
+# ifdef _CALL_LINUX
+" .size .make_fcontext, .-.L.make_fcontext\n"
+# else
+" .size .make_fcontext, .-.make_fcontext\n"
+# endif
+".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
--- include/system/libcontext.h
+++ include/system/libcontext.h
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
#elif __aarch64__
#define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm64
+ #elif __powerpc64__
+ #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc64
+ #elif __powerpc__
+ #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_ppc32
#elif defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
Reference in a new issue