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# This is an example of configuration options for FAHClient.
# If you want to configure the services, put this file
# or a list of OTPS+=" ..." in a file /etc/sv/FAHClient/config
# The number of client processing threads.
#OPTS+=" --client-threads=6"
# The maximum cycle frequency in Hz of client threads.
#OPTS+=" --cycle-rate=4"
# Run at most this many cycles. A value less than zero means run indefinitely.
#OPTS+=" --cycles=1"
# The directory, relative to the current directory, where WU data and cores
# are stored.
#OPTS+=" --data-directory=."
# Attempt to keep the system from sleeping when folding, unless on battery.
#OPTS+=" --disable-sleep-when-active"
# The directory, relative to the current executable, where executables and
# dynamic libraries are located.
#OPTS+=" --exec-directory=/usr/bin"
# Exit when all slots are paused.
#OPTS+=" --exit-when-done"
# Start folding even if not configured.
#OPTS+=" --fold-anon"
# Number of seconds of system idle time before enabling idle folding. Set to
# zero to ignore system idle time.
#OPTS+=" --idle-seconds=300"
# Make an operating system specific call to open the Web Control in a browser
# once client is fully loaded
#OPTS+=" --open-web-control=fals"
# Rotate the configuration file to a backup when saving would overwrite the
# previous configuration.
#OPTS+=" --config-rotate=false"
# Put rotated configs in this directory.
#OPTS+=" --config-rotate-dir=configs"
# The maximum number of rotated configuration files to keep. A value of zero
# will keep all configuration file backups.
#OPTS+=" --config-rotate-max=16"
# The maximum number of errors before a slot is paused.
#OPTS+=" --max-slot-errors=10"
# The maximum number of errors before a work unit is dumped.
#OPTS+=" --max-unit-errors=5"
# Tell cores to checkpoint at least every # minutes.
#OPTS+=" --checkpoint=15"
# The directory to store core files in.
#OPTS+=" --core-dir=cores"
# Run this command on cores after they are downloaded. This option is useful
# for running Linux cores on BSD machines.
#OPTS+=" --core-prep=coreprep"
# Set the core priority. Valid values are: idle or low
#OPTS+=" --core-priority=idle"
# If true, try to lock core processes to a fixed CPU
#OPTS+=" --cpu-affinity=false"
# The maximum percentage of the CPU a core should use. Not implemented by all
# cores.
#OPTS+=" --cpu-usage=100"
# GPU usage as a percent from 10-100
#OPTS+=" --gpu-usage=100"
# Tell cores to disable optimized assembly code.
#OPTS+=" --no-assembly=false"
# The cause you prefer to support.
#OPTS+=" --cause=ANY"
# The client subtype
#OPTS+=" --client-subtype=LINUX"
# The client type. Can be 'normal', 'advanced' or 'beta'.
#OPTS+=" --client-type=normal"
# CPU species.
#OPTS+=" --cpu-species=X86_AMD"
# CPU type.
#OPTS+=" --cpu-type=AMD64"
# How many CPUs a slot should use. <= 0 will use all the CPUs detected in the
# system.
#OPTS+=" --cpus=-1"
# The CUDA device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.
#OPTS+=" --cuda-index=0"
# Disable reading visualization data.
#OPTS+=" --disable-viz"
# Pass extra arguments to the core.
#OPTS+=" --extra-core-args=<string>"
# Enable or disable auto-confiugration of GPU slots, requires appropriate
# hardware.
#OPTS+=" --gpu=true"
# The index of the GPU as detected by the client. This index corresponds
# directly to the GPUs listed in the client's '--info' output.
#OPTS+=" --gpu-index=0"
# Max size in bytes of a work unit packet. Can be small=5MiB, normal=25MiB,
# big=500MiB or a number.
#OPTS+=" --max-packet-size=normal"
# Override memory, in bytes, reported to Folding@home.
#OPTS+=" --memory=2147483648"
# The OpenCL device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.
#OPTS+=" --opencl-index=0"
# Operating system species.
#OPTS+=" --os-species=UNKNOWN"
# Operating system type.
#OPTS+=" --os-type=LINUX"
# Key for access to restricted testing projects.
#OPTS+=" --project-key=0"
# Enable or disable auto-configuration of SMP slots, requires appropriate
# hardware.
#OPTS+=" --smp=true"
# Set to false to disable the GUI. A GUI is not currently supported on all
# operating systems.
#OPTS+=" --gui-enabled=true"
# Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this server. This option
# overrides IPs which are denied in the deny option. The pattern 0/0 matches
# all addresses.
#OPTS+=" --allow="
# The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a connection can be idle before
# being dropped.
#OPTS+=" --connection-timeout=60"
# Client address which are not allowed to connect to this server.
#OPTS+=" --deny=0/0"
# A space separated list of server address and port pairs to listen on in the
# form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]
#OPTS+=" --http-addresses=0:7396"
# A space separated list of secure server address and port pairs to listen on
# in the form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]
#OPTS+=" --https-addresses=localhost:4443"
# The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a client can be connected to the
# server.
#OPTS+=" --max-connect-time=900"
# Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections.
#OPTS+=" --max-connections=800"
# Sets the maximum length of a client request packet.
#OPTS+=" --max-request-length=52428800"
# The minimum amount of time, in seconds, a client must be connected to the
# server before it can be dropped in favor or a new connection.
#OPTS+=" --min-connect-time=300"
# The servers certificate file in PEM format.
#OPTS+=" --certificate-file=fah-cert.pem"
# Supply a Certificate Revocation List. Overrides any internal CRL
#OPTS+=" --certificate-file=fah-cert.crl"
# The servers private key file in PEM format.
#OPTS+=" --private-key-file=fah-private.pem"
# Set log file.
#OPTS+=" --log=log.txt"
# Print log messages with ANSI color coding.
#OPTS+=" --log-color=false"
# Print carriage return and line feed at end of log lines.
#OPTS+=" --log-crlf=false"
# Print date information with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-date=false"
# Print date to log before new log entries if so many seconds have passed
# since the last date was printed.
#OPTS+=" --log-date-periodically=21600"
# Print domain information with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-domain=false"
# Set log levels by domain. Format is:
# <domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...
# Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.
# i - info
# For example: server:i:3 module:6
# Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info messages to
# level 6. All other domains will follow the system wide log verbosity level.
# If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide verbosity.
#OPTS+=" --log-domain-levels=server:i:3 module:6"
# Enable log message headers.
#OPTS+=" --log-header=false"
# Print level information with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-level=false"
# Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.
#OPTS+=" --log-no-info-header=false"
# Redirect all output to log file. Implies !log-to-screen.
#OPTS+=" --log-redirect=false"
# Rotate log files on each run.
#OPTS+=" --log-rotate=false"
# Put rotated logs in this directory.
#OPTS+=" --log-rotate-dir=logs"
# Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.
#OPTS+=" --log-rotate-max=16"
# Print shortened level information with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-short-level=false"
# Remove any leading directories and trailing file extensions from domains so
# that source code file names can be easily used as log domains.
#OPTS+=" --log-simple-domains=false"
# Print id with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-thread-id=false"
# Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-thread-prefix=false"
# Print time information with log entries.
#OPTS+=" --log-time=false"
# Log to screen.
#OPTS+=" --log-to-screen=false"
# Truncate log file.
#OPTS+=" --log-truncate=false"
# Set logging level for INFO messages.
#OPTS+=" --verbosity=3"
# Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections
#OPTS+=" --proxy="
# Enable proxy configuration
#OPTS+=" --proxy-enable=false"
# Set password for proxy connections
#OPTS+=" --proxy-pass=proxypass"
# Set user name for proxy connections
#OPTS+=" --proxy-user=proxyuser"
# Disable 'daemon', 'fork', 'pid' and 'respawn' options. Also defaults
# 'log-to-screen' to false. Used internally.
#OPTS+=" --child=false"
# Short for --pid --service --respawn --log='' --fork
#OPTS+=" --daemon=false"
# Run in background.
#OPTS+=" --fork=false"
# Create PID file.
#OPTS+=" --pid=true"
# Name of PID file.
#OPTS+=" --pid-file='Folding@home Client.pid'"
# Set the process priority. Valid values are: idle, low, normal, high or
# realtime.
#OPTS+=" --priority=normal"
# Run the application as a child process and respawn if it is killed or exits.
#OPTS+=" --respawn=false"
# Run as specified user
#OPTS+=" --run-as=_fah"
# Ignore user logout or hangup and interrupt signals
#OPTS+=" --service=false"
# The address to which the command server should be bound.
#OPTS+=" --command-address="
# IP address ranges that are allowed access to the command server with out a
# password if the 'password' option is set. These addresses will also have to
# be allowed IP based access.
#OPTS+=" --command-allow-no-pass="
# IP address ranges that are not allowed access to the command server with out
# a password if the 'password' option is set. Overridden by
# command-allow-no-pass
#OPTS+=" --command-deny-no-pass=0/0"
# Set to false to disable the command server.
#OPTS+=" --command-enable"
# The port to which the command server should be bound.
#OPTS+=" --command-port=36330"
# Evaluate the argument as a script.
#OPTS+=" --eval=false"
# Set a command server password. Warning, setting a password disables the
# default IP address blocking.
#OPTS+=" --password=fahPassWord"
# Run commands from a script file.
#OPTS+=" --script=script.cmd"
# Only run slot when idle.
#OPTS+=" --idle=false"
# The maximum amount of time to wait in seconds for a unit to exit on
# shutdown.
#OPTS+=" --max-shutdown-wait=60"
# Pause the client or slot when the OS indicates the machine is running on
# battery power.
#OPTS+=" --pause-on-battery=true"
# If true the slot will be started in a paused state.
#OPTS+=" --pause-on-start"
# True if slot is paused.
#OPTS+=" --paused=false"
# Set the client's power level. Valid values are 'light', 'medium' or 'full'.
# This setting affects the defaults of several other options such as 'cpus',
# 'pause-on-battery', etc.
#OPTS+=" --power=medium"
# The machine ID.
#OPTS+=" --machine-id=0"
# Your passkey.
#OPTS+=" --passkey=yourpass.key"
# Your team number.
#OPTS+=" --team=0"
# Your user name.
#OPTS+=" --user=Anonymous"
# Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this Web server. This
# option overrides IPs which are denied in the web-deny option. This option
# differs from the 'allow'/'deny' options in that clients that are not allowed
# are served an access denied page rather than simply dropping the connection.
# The value '0/0' matches all IPs.
#OPTS+=" --web-allow="
# Client address which are not allowed to connect to this Web server.
#OPTS+=" --web-deny=0/0"
# Set to false to disable the web server.
#OPTS+=" --web-enable"
# The name of the session cookie.
#OPTS+=" --session-cookie=fah_sid"
# The maximum session lifetime in seconds. Zero for unlimited session
# lifetime.
#OPTS+=" --session-lifetime=86400"
# The max maximum amount of time in seconds since the last time a session was
# used before it timesout. Zero for no session timeout.
#OPTS+=" --session-timeout=3600"
# Dump units if their deadline has passed.
#OPTS+=" --dump-after-deadline=false"
# Maximum units per slot in the work queue.
#OPTS+=" --max-queue=16"
# Process at most this number of units, then pause.
#OPTS+=" --max-units=0"
# Pre-download the next work unit when the current one is this far along.
# Values less than 90 are not allowed.
#OPTS+=" --next-unit-percentage=99"
# Attempt to detect stalled work units and restart them.
#OPTS+=" --stall-detection-enabled=false"
# Minimum estimated percent work unit completion since last frame before a WU
# can be considered stalled, if zero the percentage is ignored.
#OPTS+=" --stall-percent=5"
# Minimum time, in seconds, since last frame before a WU can be considered
# stalled.
#OPTS+=" --stall-timeout=1800"