Jan Christian Grünhage 305f104455
All checks were successful
the build was successful
initial impl
2018-01-28 11:12:19 +01:00

54 lines
970 B

root /nextcloud
log /log/access.log
errors /log/errors.log
fastcgi / /tmp/php-fpm.sock php {
env PATH /bin
# checks for images
rewrite {
ext .svg .gif .png .html .ttf .woff .ico .jpg .jpeg
r ^/index.php/(.+)$
to /{1} /index.php?{1}
rewrite {
r ^/index.php/.*$
to /index.php?{query}
# client support (e.g. os x calendar / contacts)
redir /.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav 301
redir /.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav 301
# remove trailing / as it causes errors with php-fpm
rewrite {
r ^/remote.php/(webdav|caldav|carddav|dav)(\/?)$
to /remote.php/{1}
rewrite {
r ^/remote.php/(webdav|caldav|carddav|dav)/(.+?)(\/?)$
to /remote.php/{1}/{2}
rewrite {
r ^/public.php/(.+?)(\/?)$
to /public.php/(.+?)(\/?)$
# .htaccess / data / config / ... shouldn't be accessible from outside
status 403 {
header / Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;"