
218 lines
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2021-12-10 15:20:53 +00:00
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Kind {
impl Kind {
pub fn unexpected_char_score(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Kind::Round => 3,
Kind::Square => 57,
Kind::Curly => 1197,
Kind::Pointy => 25137,
pub enum Mistake {
impl Mistake {
pub fn autocomplete_score(&self) -> Option<usize> {
if let Self::Incomplete(missing) = self {
let mut score = 0;
for kind in missing {
score *= 5;
score += match kind {
Kind::Round => 1,
Kind::Square => 2,
Kind::Curly => 3,
Kind::Pointy => 4,
} else {
pub fn unexpected_char_score(&self) -> Option<usize> {
if let Self::Unexpected(kind) = self {
} else {
pub fn find_mistake(s: &str) -> Option<Mistake> {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
for kind in s.chars() {
match kind {
'(' => vec.push(Kind::Round),
'[' => vec.push(Kind::Square),
'{' => vec.push(Kind::Curly),
'<' => vec.push(Kind::Pointy),
')' => {
if vec.pop().unwrap() != Kind::Round {
return Some(Mistake::Unexpected(Kind::Round));
']' => {
if vec.pop().unwrap() != Kind::Square {
return Some(Mistake::Unexpected(Kind::Square));
'}' => {
if vec.pop().unwrap() != Kind::Curly {
return Some(Mistake::Unexpected(Kind::Curly));
'>' => {
if vec.pop().unwrap() != Kind::Pointy {
return Some(Mistake::Unexpected(Kind::Pointy));
_ => panic!("illegal character"),
if vec.is_empty() {
} else {
//use std::{rc::Rc, sync::RwLock};
//pub struct Chunk {
// kind: Kind,
// children: Vec<Rc<RwLock<Chunk>>>,
// parent: Option<Rc<RwLock<Chunk>>>,
// closing: Option<Kind>,
//impl Chunk {
// pub fn find_first_illegal_char(&self) -> Option<Kind> {
// for child in &self.children {
// if let Some(kind) = child.try_read().unwrap().find_first_illegal_char() {
// return Some(kind);
// }
// }
// if Some(self.kind) != self.closing {
// self.closing.clone()
// } else {
// None
// }
// }
// pub fn new(kind: Kind, parent: Option<Rc<RwLock<Chunk>>>) -> Rc<RwLock<Self>> {
// let new = Rc::new(RwLock::new(Self {
// kind,
// children: Vec::new(),
// parent: parent.clone(),
// closing: None
// }));
// if let Some(mut parent) = parent {
// if let Ok(mut parent_locked) = RwLock::try_write(&mut parent) {
// parent_locked.children.push(new.clone());
// } else {
// panic!("can't access parent to insert child")
// }
// }
// new
// }
// pub fn close(&mut self, kind: Kind) {
// self.closing = Some(kind);
// }
// pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Rc<RwLock<Self>>, &'static str> {
// let mut current: Option<Rc<RwLock<Self>>> = None;
// let open = |kind, current| {
// Some(Chunk::new(kind, current))
// };
// let close = |kind, current: Option<Rc<RwLock<Self>>>| {
// if let Some(mut current_some) = current {
// if let Ok(mut current_locked) = RwLock::try_write(&mut current_some) {
// current_locked.close(kind);
// Ok(current_locked.parent.clone())
// } else {
// Err("can't get a lock to the current chunk")
// }
// } else {
// Ok(None)
// }
// };
// for kind in s.chars() {
// match kind {
// '(' => current = open(Kind::Round, current),
// '[' => current = open(Kind::Square, current),
// '{' => current = open(Kind::Curly, current),
// '<' => current = open(Kind::Pointy, current),
// ')' => current = close(Kind::Round, current)?,
// ']' => current = close(Kind::Square, current)?,
// '}' => current = close(Kind::Curly, current)?,
// '>' => current = close(Kind::Pointy, current)?,
// _ => return Err("Illegal character!"),
// }
// }
// current.ok_or("String seems to have been empty")
// }
//impl ToString for Chunk {
// fn to_string(&self) -> String {
// let mut ret_val = String::new();
// match self.kind {
// Kind::Round => ret_val.push('('),
// Kind::Square => ret_val.push('['),
// Kind::Curly => ret_val.push('{'),
// Kind::Pointy => ret_val.push('<'),
// }
// for child in &self.children {
// ret_val.push_str(&child.try_read().unwrap().to_string())
// }
// match self.closing {
// Some(Kind::Round) => ret_val.push(')'),
// Some(Kind::Square) => ret_val.push(']'),
// Some(Kind::Curly) => ret_val.push('}'),
// Some(Kind::Pointy) => ret_val.push('>'),
// None => (),
// }
// ret_val
// }
mod test {
fn unexpected_char() {
let res = super::find_mistake("{([(<{}[<>[]}>{[]{[(<()>");
let res = res.unwrap();
assert_eq!(res.unexpected_char_score(), Some(1197));
fn incomplete_chunk() {
let res = super::find_mistake("<{([{{}}[<[[[<>{}]]]>[]]");
let res = res.unwrap();
assert_eq!(res.autocomplete_score(), Some(294));