package re.jcg.playmusicexporter.activities; import android.Manifest; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.github.paolorotolo.appintro.AppIntro; import com.github.paolorotolo.appintro.AppIntroFragment; import java.util.Optional; import de.arcus.framework.superuser.SuperUser; import re.jcg.playmusicexporter.R; import re.jcg.playmusicexporter.settings.PlayMusicExporterPreferences; public class Intro extends AppIntro { private static final String TAG = "PME_Intro"; Fragment welcome; Fragment warning; Fragment storage; Fragment internet; Fragment superuser; Fragment finish; private void initFragments() { welcome = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "Welcome!", "This is the Play Music Exporter. It can export songs from Play Music " + "and save them as MP3 files where you want them to be.", R.drawable.ic_launcher_transparent, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); warning = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "Warning!", "You are responsible for what you do with this app. Depending on where you live " + "it might be illegal to use this app. We discourage piracy of music " + "and other intellectual property. Sharing music you exported with " + "this tool might be a very bad idea, Google could put an invisible " + "watermark on the music, so that people can trace the MP3s back to " + "the owner of the Google account that was used.", R.drawable.ic_warning_white, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); storage = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "We need access to your storage.", "We need to access the external storage, " + "for copying the Play Music database to a folder," + "where we have the right to work with it. " + "We also need access to the external storage," + "to finish up the MP3s, from encrypted without ID3 tags," + "to decrypted with ID3 tags, before we save them to your export path.", R.drawable.ic_folder_white, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); //Internet Access is granted automatically, asking for it is automatically granted, //which is unacceptable in my opinion, but why should Google care. internet = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "We might need internet access.", "It happens that we can not find the cover of a song locally. " + "In these cases, we can, if you grant us permission to use the internet, " + "download the cover from online. " + "If you don't grant us permission to use the internet, " + "we can still export songs, but the cover will be " + "missing on some songs.", R.drawable.ic_cloud_download_white, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); superuser = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "We need root access.", "Some of the files we need to access are in the private folders of Play Music. " + "Android prevents apps from accessing the private folders " + "of other apps, but luckily, you can circumvent this protection " + "with root access. Without root access this app can't do anything.", R.drawable.ic_superuser, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); finish = AppIntroFragment.newInstance( "Tutorial finished!", "One note: Should you revoke any of these permission, the tutorial will be " + "shown again on the next launch.", R.drawable.ic_launcher_transparent, Color.parseColor("#ef6c00")); } @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (getSupportActionBar() != null) getSupportActionBar().hide(); showSkipButton(false); initFragments(); addSlide(welcome); addSlide(warning); addSlide(storage); addSlide(superuser); addSlide(finish); askForPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 3); pager.setPagingEnabled(true); } @Override public void onSlideChanged(@Nullable Fragment oldFragment, @Nullable Fragment newFragment) { super.onSlideChanged(oldFragment, newFragment); logSlideChanged(oldFragment, newFragment); if (warning.equals(oldFragment) && storage.equals(newFragment)) { promptAcceptWarning(); } else if (superuser.equals(oldFragment) && finish.equals(newFragment)) { SuperUser.askForPermissions(); } } private void promptAcceptWarning() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle("Understood?"); builder.setMessage("Have you read and understood this?"); builder.setCancelable(false); builder.setNegativeButton("No", ((dialog, which) -> pager.setCurrentItem(pager.getCurrentItem() - 1))); builder.setPositiveButton("Yes", (((dialog, which) -> dialog.dismiss())));; } private void logSlideChanged(@Nullable Fragment oldFragment, @Nullable Fragment newFragment) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { // Optional.ofNullable requires API level 24, and I won't do manual null checks. Log.i(TAG, "Fragment switched from {" + Optional.ofNullable(oldFragment).map(Fragment::toString).orElse("") + "} to {" + Optional.ofNullable(newFragment).map(Fragment::toString).orElse("") + "}."); } } @Override public void onDonePressed(Fragment currentFragment) { PlayMusicExporterPreferences.init(this); PlayMusicExporterPreferences.setSetupDone(true); startActivity(new Intent(this, MusicContainerListActivity.class)); } }