Right click on it and select Cut. Go to the explorer Window we left open previously, right click on an emtpy space and choose Paste. Tadah! Installation finished.
Now let's suppose I want to download a video to my Windows Desktop. Piece of cake: go to Start > Run, type cmd and press the enter key. Type the command cd desktop and then type the command youtube-dl.py "", where is a YouTube video URL you can copy from your web browser program address bar, and paste it to the command line interpreter window by right clicking and choosing Paste, for example. Remember commands are always followed by pressing the enter key in the command line interpreter.
Now let's suppose I want to download a video to my Windows Desktop. Piece of cake: go to Start > Run, type cmd and press the enter key. Type the command cd desktop and then type the command youtube-dl.py "<url>", where <url> is a YouTube video URL you can copy from your web browser program address bar, and paste it to the command line interpreter window by right clicking and choosing Paste, for example. Remember commands are always followed by pressing the enter key in the command line interpreter.