# Template file for 'whois' pkgname=whois version=5.0.20 revision=1 makedepends="perl libidn-devel" short_desc="The whois client by Marco d Itri" maintainer="davehome " homepage="http://www.linux.it/~md/software" license="GPL-2" distfiles="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/${pkgname}/${pkgname}_${version}.tar.xz" checksum=818332954643626b8a44670746185cf7fc7a862195b46c01e10df1c3f82d8ecf long_desc=" whois is an improved whois client. It is part of Debian, Mandriva, SuSE, PLD and other Linux distributions." do_build() { # This is needed to set CFLAGS properly make ${makejobs} prefix=/usr CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" HAVE_LIBIDN=1 } do_install() { make prefix=/usr BASEDIR=${DESTDIR} install-whois vinstall COPYING 644 usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} } whois_package() { pkg_install() { vmove usr } }