# Template file for 'i3lock' pkgname=i3lock version=2.4.1 revision=1 short_desc="An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="MIT" homepage="http://i3wm.org/i3lock/" distfiles="http://i3wm.org/i3lock/i3lock-${version}.tar.bz2" checksum=4d29e66841138de562e71903d31ecaaefd8ecffe5e68da0d6c8d560ed543047c long_desc=" i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password." conf_files="/etc/pam.d/i3lock" makedepends="which pkg-config libev-devel cairo-devel pam-devel xcb-util-image-devel xcb-util-keysyms-devel" do_build() { make ${makejobs} } post_install() { make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install vinstall i3lock.1 644 usr/share/man/man1 }