# Template file for 'apr-util' pkgname=apr-util version=1.3.12 revision=7 build_style=gnu-configure # XXX: add freetds and unixodbc modules. configure_args="--with-pgsql --with-mysql --with-sqlite3 --with-ldap --with-berkeley-db --with-gdbm --with-apr=/usr --without-odbc --with-expat=/usr --without-oracle" makedepends="apr-devel db-devel>=5.3 expat-devel gdbm-devel libldap-devel libmysqlclient-devel postgresql-libs-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel" short_desc="The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://apr.apache.org/" license="Apache-2.0" distfiles="http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.bz2" checksum=93976dc2f40d8622c4e9c355f419bb20f2c0dd843ee21a295a092d1c1b950d9c long_desc=" APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. APR Util is a utilities library implemented on top of APR, providing database access, xml parsing, and other useful functionality." post_install() { # remove static libs find ${DESTDIR} -type f -name \*.a -delete } apr-util-db_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - Berkeley DB module" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_dbm_db*" } } apr-util-devel_package() { depends="apr-devel expat-devel libldap-devel ${sourcepkg}>=${version}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/bin vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.exp" vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig } } apr-util-gdbm_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - GDBM module" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_dbm_gdbm*" } } apr-util-ldap_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - LDAP support" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_ldap*" } } apr-util-mysql_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - MySQL module" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_dbd_mysql*" } } apr-util-pgsql_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - PostgreSQL module" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_dbd_pgsql*" } } apr-util-sqlite_package() { depends="apr-util>=${version}" short_desc+=" - SQLite module" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/apr-util-1/apr_dbd_sqlite*" } }