# Template file for 'wicd' pkgname=wicd version= revision=3 noarch=yes makedepends="dhcpcd wpa_supplicant wireless_tools ethtool dbus-glib dbus-python rfkill pygobject2 python-urwid>=0.9.9 python-distribute python-babel" depends="dbus-glib dhcpcd ethtool net-tools dbus-python pygobject2 python-urwid rfkill wireless_tools wpa_supplicant" pycompile_module="wicd" pycompile_dirs="usr/lib/wicd usr/share/wicd" conf_files=" /etc/dbus-1/system.d/wicd.conf /etc/wicd/encryption/templates/active" systemd_services="wicd.service on" short_desc="Open source wired and wireless network manager" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://wicd.sourceforge.net" license="GPL-2" distfiles="http://launchpad.net/wicd/1.7/${version}/+download/wicd-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=dcfdfb5dbbb49dbb9b205fddf064d6b1a4e88f66f1cf40d12fb7fe0e0c7cdc97 long_desc=" Wicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux which aims to provide a simple interface to connect to networks with a wide variety of settings. Some of Wicd's features include: * No Gnome dependencies (although it does require GTK), so it is easy to use in XFCE, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, etc. * Ability to connect to wired (Ethernet only, no PPPoE/DSL support yet) and wireless networks * Profiles for each wireless network and wired network * Many encryption schemes, some of which include WEP/WPA/WPA2 (and you can add your own) * Remains compatible with wireless-tools * Tray icon showing network activity and signal strength * A full-featured console interface" do_build() { python setup.py configure --verbose --no-install-init \ --resume=/usr/share/wicd/scripts \ --suspend=/usr/share/wicd/scripts \ --python=/usr/bin/python2 --lib=/usr/lib --sbin=/usr/sbin \ --systemd=/usr/lib/systemd/system #HACK for https://bugs.launchpad.net/wicd/+bug/928589 mkdir -p translations/ast/LC_MESSAGES msgfmt po/ast.po -o translations/ast/LC_MESSAGES/wicd.mo } do_install() { python setup.py install --root=${DESTDIR} vinstall ${FILESDIR}/wicd.desktop 644 usr/share/applications vmkdir usr/lib/wicd vcopy "build/lib/wicd/*.py" usr/lib/wicd chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/wicd/*.py rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/etc/logrotate.d rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/pm-utils } wicd-gtk_package() { noarch=yes depends="wicd>=${version} pygtk notify-python shared-mime-info desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme" short_desc+=" - GTK UI" pycompile_dirs="usr/share/wicd/gtk" pkg_install() { vmove etc/xdg vmove usr/bin/wicd-client vmove usr/bin/wicd-gtk vmove usr/share/applications vmove usr/share/pixmaps vmove usr/share/icons vmove usr/share/wicd/gtk vmove usr/share/man/man1/wicd-client.1 vmove usr/share/man/nl/man1/wicd-client.1 } }