# Template build file for 'atk'. pkgname=atk version=2.10.0 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure hostmakedepends="pkg-config glib-devel>=2.38" makedepends="libglib-devel>=2.38" short_desc="Set of interfaces for accessibility" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://www.gtk.org/" license="LGPL-2.1" distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/atk/${version%.*}/atk-${version}.tar.xz" checksum=636917a5036bc851d8491194645d284798ec118919a828be5e713b6ecc5b50b0 long_desc=" The ATK library provides a set of interfaces for accessibility. By supporting the ATK interfaces, an application or toolkit can be used with such tools as screen readers, magnifiers, and alternative input devices. Atk provides a core set of interfaces which are common to all widgets and additional interfaces that are appropriate to certain classes of widgets and whose existence can be queried at run time. It also provides interfaces which an application can use to provide additional accessibility information to assistive technology tools." # Package build options build_options="gir" desc_option_gir="Enable support for building gobject introspection data" # Disable gir for cross builds. if [ -z "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then build_options_default="gir" fi if [ "$build_option_gir" ]; then configure_args+=" --enable-introspection" makedepends+=" gobject-introspection" else configure_args+=" --disable-introspection" fi atk-devel_package() { depends="libglib-devel>=2.38 atk>=${version}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig if [ "$build_option_gir" ]; then vmove "usr/share/gir-*" fi vmove usr/share/gtk-doc } }