#!/bin/bash # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: usage() { cat << _EOF $(basename $0): [options] [arguments] Targets: (only one may be specified) binary-bootstrap [arch] Install bootstrap packages from host repositories into . If the optional 'arch' argument is set, it will install bootstrap packages from this architecture, and its required xbps utilities. The will be initialized for chroot operations. bootstrap Build and install from source the bootstrap packages into . bootstrap-update Updates bootstrap packages with latest versions available from registered repositories in the XBPS configuration file. build Build package source (fetch + extract + configure + build). build-pkg Build binary package for and all required dependencies. chroot Enter to the chroot in . clean Remove build directory. remove-autodeps Removes all package dependencies installed automatically. configure Configure a package (fetch + extract + configure). extract Extract package source distribution file(s) into the build directory. By default set to /builddir. fetch Download package source distribution file(s). install Install target package into but not building the binary package and not removing build directory for inspection purposes. remove Remove target package from . If - is not matched from build template nothing is removed. show Show information for the specified package. show-build-deps Show required build dependencies for . show-deps Show required run-time dependencies for . Package must be installed into destdir. show-files Show files installed by . Package must be installed into destdir. show-options Show available build options by . show-shlib-provides Show list of provided shlibs for . Package must be installed into destdir. show-shlib-requires Show list of required shlibs for . Package must be installed into destdir. zap Removes a masterdir but preserving ccache, distcc and host directories. Options: -a Cross compile packages for this profile. Supported values: armv6hf-musl - for ARMv6 EABI (LE Hard Float) Musl/Linux armv6hf - for ARMv6 EABI (LE Hard Float) GNU/Linux armv7hf-musl - for ARMv7 EABI (LE Hard Float) Musl/Linux armv7hf - for ARMv7 EABI (LE Hard Float) GNU/Linux i686-musl - for i686 Musl/Linux i686 - for i686 GNU/Linux mips - for MIPS o32 (BE Soft Float) GNU/Linux mipsel - for MIPS o32 (LE Soft Float) GNU/Linux x86_64-musl - for x86_64 Musl/Linux -C Do not remove build directory, automatic dependencies and package destdir after successful install. -f Force building and registering binary packages into the local repository, even if same version is already registered. -g Enable building -dbg packages with debugging symbols. -H Absolute path to a directory to be bind mounted at /host. The host directory stores binary packages, sources and package dependencies downloaded from remote repositories. -h Usage output. -I Ignore required dependencies, useful for extracting/fetching sources. -j Number of parallel build jobs to use when building packages. -L Disable ASCII colors. -m Absolute path to a directory to be used as masterdir. The masterdir is the main directory to build/store/compile packages. -N Disable use of remote repositories to resolve dependencies. -o Enable or disable (prefixed with ~) package build options. Supported options can be shown with the 'show-options' target. -r Use an alternative local repository to store generated binary packages. If unset defaults to /host/binpkgs. If set the binpkgs will be stored into /host/binpkgs/. This alternative repository will also be used to resolve dependencies. _EOF } check_reqhost_utils() { local broken [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ] && return 0 for f in ${REQHOST_UTILS}; do if ! command -v ${f} &>/dev/null; then echo "${f} is missing in your system, can't continue!" broken=1 fi done [ -n "$broken" ] && exit 1 [ -z "$1" ] && return 0 for f in ${REQHOST_UTILS_BOOTSTRAP}; do if ! command -v ${f} &>/dev/null; then echo "${f} is missing in your system, can't continue!" broken=1 fi done [ -n "$broken" ] && exit 1 } check_config_vars() { if [ -s "$XBPS_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then . $XBPS_CONFIG_FILE &>/dev/null fi if [ -z "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" ]; then export XBPS_MASTERDIR="${XBPS_DISTDIR}/masterdir" fi if [ -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" -a ! -w "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: not enough perms for masterdir $XBPS_MASTERDIR." exit 1 fi } check_build_requirements() { local found for f in $XBPS_SHUTILSDIR/*.sh; do [ -r $f ] && . $f done for f in $XBPS_COMMONDIR/environment/setup/*.sh; do [ -r $f ] && . $f done if [ -z "$XBPS_SRC_REQ" -o -z "$XBPS_UTILS_REQ" -o -z "$XBPS_UTILS_API_REQ" ]; then echo "ERROR: cannot satisfy xbps requirements!" exit 1 fi case "$XBPS_TARGET" in *bootstrap*) found=1;; *) ;; esac if [ -z "$found" ]; then xbps-uhelper cmpver $(echo "$XBPS_SRC_VERSION"|awk '{print $1}') "$XBPS_SRC_REQ" if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "ERROR: this xbps-src version is outdated! (>=$XBPS_SRC_REQ is required)" echo "Bootstrap packages must be updated with 'xbps-src bootstrap-update'" exit 1 fi xbps-uhelper cmpver "$XBPS_VERSION" "$XBPS_UTILS_REQ" if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "ERROR: requires xbps-$XBPS_UTILS_REQ API: $XBPS_UTILS_API_REQ" echo "Bootstrap packages must be updated with 'xbps-src bootstrap-update'" exit 1 fi xbps-uhelper cmpver "$XBPS_APIVER" "$XBPS_UTILS_API_REQ" if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "ERROR: requires xbps-$XBPS_UTILS_REQ API: $XBPS_UTILS_API_REQ" echo "Bootstrap packages must be updated with 'xbps-src bootstrap-update'" exit 1 fi fi # Set XBPS_REPOSITORY to our current branch. if [ -z "$XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY" ]; then pushd "$PWD" &>/dev/null cd $XBPS_DISTDIR _gitbranch="$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${_gitbranch}" -a "${_gitbranch}" != "master" ]; then export XBPS_REPOSITORY="${XBPS_REPOSITORY}/${_gitbranch}" msg_normal "Using \`$XBPS_REPOSITORY\' as local repository.\n" fi popd &>/dev/null else export XBPS_REPOSITORY="${XBPS_REPOSITORY}/${XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY}" msg_normal "Using \`$XBPS_REPOSITORY\' as local repository.\n" fi } install_bbotstrap() { [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" ] && return # binary bootstrap msg_normal "Installing bootstrap from binary package repositories...\n" # XBPS_TARGET_PKG == arch if [ -n "$XBPS_TARGET_PKG" ]; then _bootstrap_arch="env XBPS_TARGET_ARCH=$XBPS_TARGET_PKG" if [ "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG}" != "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG#*-}" ]; then _subarch="-${XBPS_TARGET_PKG#*-}" fi fi ${_bootstrap_arch} xbps-install -S ${XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS} -c host/repocache -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR -y base-chroot${_subarch} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then msg_error "Failed to install bootstrap packages!\n" fi # Reconfigure base-directories. xbps-reconfigure -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR -f base-directories &>/dev/null msg_normal "Installed bootstrap successfully!\n" chroot_prepare $XBPS_TARGET_PKG || msg_error "Failed to initialize chroot!\n" } masterdir_zap() { for f in bin boot builddir destdir dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 mnt \ opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var xbps .xbps_chroot_init; do if [ -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing directory $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -rf $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f elif [ -h "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing link $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f elif [ -f "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing file $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f fi done echo "$XBPS_MASTERDIR masterdir cleaned up." } exit_func() { if [ -z "$XBPS_KEEP_ALL" ]; then if [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then remove_pkg_autodeps fi fi if [ -n "$sourcepkg" ]; then remove_pkg $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD remove_pkg_wrksrc fi if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then msg_red "xbps-src: a failure has ocurred! exiting...\n" fi exit 2 } basename_cwd() { echo $(basename $(pwd)) } read_pkg() { if [ -z "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG}" ]; then [ ! -r ./template ] && msg_error "missing build template in $(pwd).\n" XBPS_TARGET_PKG=$(basename_cwd) fi setup_pkg $XBPS_TARGET_PKG $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD } # # main() # while getopts "a:CfghH:Ij:Lm:No:r:V" opt; do case $opt in a) readonly XBPS_CROSS_BUILD="$OPTARG";; C) readonly XBPS_KEEP_ALL=1;; f) readonly XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE=1;; g) readonly XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS=1;; H) readonly XBPS_HOSTDIR="$(readlink -m $OPTARG 2>/dev/null)";; h) usage && exit 0;; I) readonly XBPS_SKIP_DEPS=1;; j) readonly XBPS_MAKEJOBS="$OPTARG";; L) export NOCOLORS=1;; m) readonly XBPS_MASTERDIR=$(readlink -m $OPTARG 2>/dev/null);; N) readonly XBPS_SKIP_REMOTEREPOS=1;; o) readonly XBPS_BUILD_OPTS="$OPTARG";; r) readonly XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY="$OPTARG";; V) echo $XBPS_SRC_VERSION && exit 0;; --) shift; break;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) [ $# -eq 0 -o $# -gt 3 ] && usage && exit 1 umask 022 # # Check for required utilities in host system. # # Required utilities in host system for the bootstrap target. readonly REQHOST_UTILS_BOOTSTRAP="awk bash bison sed gcc g++ msgfmt makeinfo \ perl fakeroot tar xz gzip bzip2 patch flex" # Required utilities in host system for chroot ops. readonly REQHOST_UTILS="xbps-install xbps-query xbps-rindex xbps-uhelper \ xbps-reconfigure xbps-remove xbps-create git" check_reqhost_utils if [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then readonly XBPS_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/xbps/xbps-src.conf readonly XBPS_DISTDIR=/xbps-packages else _distdir="$(dirname $0)" if [ "${_distdir}" = "." ]; then readonly XBPS_DISTDIR="$(pwd -P)" else readonly XBPS_DISTDIR="${_distdir}" fi readonly XBPS_CONFIG_FILE=$XBPS_DISTDIR/etc/conf fi # # Check configuration vars before anyting else, and set defaults vars. # check_config_vars if [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then readonly XBPS_UHELPER_CMD="xbps-uhelper" readonly XBPS_INSTALL_CMD="xbps-install" readonly XBPS_QUERY_CMD="xbps-query" readonly XBPS_RINDEX_CMD="xbps-rindex" readonly XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD="xbps-reconfigure" readonly XBPS_REMOVE_CMD="xbps-remove" else readonly XBPS_UHELPER_CMD="xbps-uhelper -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_INSTALL_CMD="xbps-install -C _empty.conf_ --repository=$XBPS_REPOSITORY -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_QUERY_CMD="xbps-query -C _empty.conf_ --repository=$XBPS_REPOSITORY -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_RINDEX_CMD="xbps-rindex" readonly XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD="xbps-reconfigure -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_REMOVE_CMD="xbps-remove -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" fi if [ -n "$XBPS_HOSTDIR" ]; then export XBPS_REPOSITORY=$XBPS_HOSTDIR/binpkgs readonly XBPS_SRCDISTDIR=$XBPS_HOSTDIR/sources else export XBPS_REPOSITORY=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/host/binpkgs readonly XBPS_SRCDISTDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/host/sources fi readonly XBPS_SRCPKGDIR=$XBPS_DISTDIR/srcpkgs readonly XBPS_COMMONDIR=$XBPS_DISTDIR/common readonly XBPS_SHUTILSDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/shutils readonly XBPS_DESTDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/destdir readonly XBPS_BUILDDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/builddir readonly XBPS_TRIGGERSDIR=$XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/xbps-triggers/files readonly XBPS_CROSSPFDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/cross-profiles readonly XBPS_BUILDSTYLEDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/build_style readonly XBPS_LIBEXECDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/libexec readonly CHROOT_CMD=$XBPS_LIBEXECDIR/xbps-src-chroot-helper # XBPS_FETCH_CMD can be overriden export XBPS_FETCH_CMD="xbps-uhelper fetch" readonly XBPS_DIGEST_CMD="xbps-uhelper digest" readonly XBPS_CMPVER_CMD="xbps-uhelper cmpver" readonly XBPS_VERSION=$(xbps-uhelper -V|awk '{print $2}') readonly XBPS_APIVER=$(xbps-uhelper -V|awk '{print $4}') readonly XBPS_SRC_VERSION="@@XBPS_SRC_VERSION@@" readonly FAKEROOT_CMD="fakeroot --" readonly XBPS_MACHINE=$(uname -m) XBPS_TARGET="$1" XBPS_TARGET_PKG="$2" # Check if stdout is a tty; if false disable colors. test -t 1 || export NOCOLORS=1 if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: root cannot use xbps-src, switch to a regular user." exit 1 fi if [ -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init ]; then export CHROOT_READY=1 fi if [ -s $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init ]; then export XBPS_ARCH=$(cat $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init) fi export XBPS_SHUTILSDIR XBPS_CROSSPFDIR XBPS_TRIGGERSDIR \ XBPS_SRCPKGDIR XBPS_COMMONDIR XBPS_BUILDDIR \ XBPS_REPOSITORY XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY XBPS_SRCDISTDIR XBPS_DIGEST_CMD \ XBPS_UHELPER_CMD XBPS_INSTALL_CMD XBPS_QUERY_CMD \ XBPS_RINDEX_CMD XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD XBPS_REMOVE_CMD \ XBPS_CMPVER_CMD XBPS_FETCH_CMD XBPS_VERSION XBPS_APIVER \ XBPS_BUILDSTYLEDIR XBPS_CFLAGS XBPS_CXXFLAGS XBPS_LDFLAGS \ XBPS_MAKEJOBS XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS \ XBPS_CCACHE XBPS_DISTCC XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS XBPS_SKIP_DEPS \ XBPS_SKIP_REMOTEREPOS XBPS_CROSS_BUILD XBPS_BUILD_OPTS \ XBPS_CONFIG_FILE XBPS_KEEP_ALL XBPS_HOSTDIR XBPS_MASTERDIR \ XBPS_SRC_VERSION XBPS_DESTDIR FAKEROOT_CMD CHROOT_CMD XBPS_MACHINE for i in REPOSITORY DESTDIR BUILDDIR SRCDISTDIR; do eval val="\$XBPS_$i" if [ ! -d "$val" ]; then mkdir -p $val fi unset val done # # Sanitize PATH. # if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then # In non chroot case always prefer host tools. MYPATH="$XBPS_MASTERDIR/usr/bin:$XBPS_MASTERDIR/usr/sbin" export PATH="$PATH:$MYPATH" else MYPATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" export PATH="$MYPATH" if [ -n "$XBPS_CCACHE" ]; then CCACHEPATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin" if [ -n "$XBPS_HOSTDIR" -a -d "$XBPS_HOSTDIR/ccache" ]; then export CCACHE_DIR="$XBPS_HOSTDIR/ccache" else if [ ! -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/ccache" ]; then mkdir -p $XBPS_MASTERDIR/ccache fi export CCACHE_DIR="$XBPS_MASTERDIR/ccache" fi export PATH="$CCACHEPATH:$PATH" fi if [ -n "$XBPS_DISTCC" ]; then DISTCCPATH="/usr/lib/distcc/bin" if [ -n "$XBPS_HOSTDIR" -a -d "$XBPS_HOSTDIR/distcc" ]; then export DISTCC_DIR="$XBPS_HOSTDIR/distcc" else if [ ! -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/distcc" ]; then mkdir -p $XBPS_MASTERDIR/distcc fi export DISTCC_DIR="$XBPS_MASTERDIR/distcc" fi export DISTCC_HOSTS="$XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS" export PATH="$DISTCCPATH:$PATH" fi fi if [ -z "$CHROOT_READY" ]; then if [ -n "$BASE_CHROOT_REQ" ]; then check_installed_pkg base-chroot-$BASE_CHROOT_REQ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Prepare chroot if required base-chroot pkg is installed. msg_normal "Preparing chroot on $XBPS_MASTERDIR...\n" chroot_prepare || return $? export CHROOT_READY=1 fi fi fi check_build_requirements trap 'exit_func' INT TERM HUP # # Main switch. # case "$XBPS_TARGET" in binary-bootstrap) install_bbotstrap ;; bootstrap) # bootstrap from sources # check for required host utils check_reqhost_utils bootstrap [ ! -d $XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/base-chroot ] && \ msg_error "Cannot find $XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/base-chroot directory!\n" XBPS_TARGET_PKG="base-chroot" setup_pkg $XBPS_TARGET_PKG && install_pkg $XBPS_TARGET ;; bootstrap-update) if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler ${XBPS_TARGET} dummy else ${FAKEROOT_CMD} ${XBPS_INSTALL_CMD} -yu fi ;; chroot) chroot_handler chroot dummy ;; clean) read_pkg if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_TARGET_PKG || exit $? else remove_pkg_wrksrc $wrksrc if declare -f do_clean >/dev/null; then run_func do_clean fi fi ;; remove-autodeps) if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler remove-autodeps else pkgver=xbps-src remove_pkg_autodeps fi ;; fetch|extract|build|configure|install|install-destdir|build-pkg) BEGIN_INSTALL=1 read_pkg if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_TARGET_PKG else install_pkg $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD fi ;; remove|remove-destdir) read_pkg remove_pkg $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD ;; list) $XBPS_QUERY_CMD -l ;; show) read_pkg show_pkg ;; show-files) read_pkg show_pkg_files ;; show-deps) read_pkg show_pkg_deps ;; show-build-deps) read_pkg show_pkg_build_deps ;; show-options) read_pkg show_pkg_options ;; show-shlib-provides) read_pkg show_pkg_shlib_provides ;; show-shlib-requires) read_pkg show_pkg_shlib_requires ;; zap) masterdir_zap ;; *) msg_red "xbps-src: invalid target $target.\n" usage && exit 1 ;; esac # Agur exit $?