# Template build file for 'perl-HTML-Form'. pkgname=perl-HTML-Form version=6.00 wrksrc="HTML-Form-$version" distfiles="${CPAN_SITE}/HTML/HTML-Form-$version.tar.gz" build_style=perl_module short_desc="HTML::Form - Class that represents an HTML form element" maintainer="davehome " homepage="http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/HTML-Form-6.00/lib/HTML/Form.pm" license="GPL-2" checksum=b41b6f5480493d427a56974c0fb6f51e807d93938ef1518dd22454b93cad4987 long_desc=" Objects of the HTML::Form class represents a single HTML FORM tag instance. A form consists of a sequence of inputs that usually have names, and which can take on various values. The state of a form can be tweaked and it can then be asked to provide HTTP::Request objects that can be passed to the request() method of LWP::UserAgent." noarch=yes Add_dependency full perl-HTML-Parser Add_dependency full perl-URI Add_dependency full perl-HTTP-Message Add_dependency full perl