# Template file for 'mousepad' pkgname=mousepad version=0.2.16 revision=2 distfiles="http://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/$pkgname/0.2/$pkgname-$version.tar.bz2" build_style=gnu_configure short_desc="Simple text editor for Xfce based on Leafpad" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" checksum=86e593fd4b1b87d27cda9ebd8901078e795031b5880645850d6ef0b410f4e73e long_desc=" Mousepad is a simple text editor for Xfce based on Leafpad. The initial reason for Mousepad was to provide printing support, which would have been difficult for Leafpad for various reasons." gtk_iconcache_dirs="/usr/share/icons/hicolor" Add_dependency run glibc Add_dependency run pango Add_dependency run glib Add_dependency run gdk-pixbuf Add_dependency run gtk+ Add_dependency run libxfce4util Add_dependency build pkg-config Add_dependency build intltool Add_dependency build gtk+-devel Add_dependency build libxfce4util-devel Add_dependency build gdk-pixbuf-devel Add_dependency build pango-devel Add_dependency build glib-devel Add_dependency build libxfcegui4-devel Add_dependency full hicolor-icon-theme Add_dependency full desktop-file-utils