# Template file for 'netbsd-wtf' pkgname=netbsd-wtf version=20130311 revision=1 build_style=gnu-makefile make_build_args="DATADIR=/usr/share" make_install_args="PREFIX=/usr DATADIR=/usr/share" short_desc="NetBSD's wtf(6) adapted for Void Linux" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="Public domain" homepage="http://www.NetBSD.org" checksum=8773541ce097fdc4c5b9e7da12a82dffbb30cd91f7bc169f52f05f93b7fc3060 long_desc=" The wtf utility displays the expansion of the acronyms specified on the command line. If the acronym is not in any of the acronyms databases." nofetch=yes noextract=yes do_fetch() { local url="git://github.com/voidlinux/netbsd-wtf" msg_normal " Fetching source from $url ...\n" git clone ${url} ${pkgname}-${version} } netbsd-wtf_package() { noarch="yes" pkg_install() { vmove usr } }