# Template file for 'zeromq' pkgname=zeromq version=3.2.4 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure short_desc="The Intelligent Transport Layer" maintainer="Juan RP " license="LGPL-2.1" homepage="http://www.zeromq.org" distfiles="http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=df96a141c85b65c2cb6c0db22223126623a09eecbfccb7f74400f3f938742f59 long_desc="  *  The socket library that acts as a concurrency framework.  *  Faster than TCP, for clustered products and supercomputing.  *  Carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, and multicast.  *  Connect N-to-N via fanout, pubsub, pipeline, request-reply.  *  Asynch I/O for scalable multicore message-passing apps." zeromq-devel_package() { depends="${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig vmove usr/share/man/man3 vmove "usr/lib/*.a" vmove "usr/lib/*.so" } }