#!/bin/bash # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: print_cross_targets() { local f for f in common/cross-profiles/*.sh; do f=${f%.sh}; f=${f##*/}; printf "\t$f\n" done } usage() { cat << _EOF $(basename $0): [options] <target> [arguments] Targets: (only one may be specified) binary-bootstrap [arch] Install bootstrap packages from host repositories into <masterdir>. If the optional 'arch' argument is set, it will install bootstrap packages from this architecture, and its required xbps utilities. The <masterdir> will be initialized for chroot operations. bootstrap Build and install from source the bootstrap packages into <masterdir>. bootstrap-update Updates bootstrap packages with latest versions available from registered repositories in the XBPS configuration file. build <pkgname> Build package source (fetch + extract + configure + build). chroot Enter to the chroot in <masterdir>. clean [pkgname] Removes auto dependencies, cleans up <masterdir>/builddir and <masterdir>/destdir. If <pkgname> argument is specified, package files from <masterdir>/destdir and its build directory in <masterdir>/buiddir are removed. configure <pkgname> Configure a package (fetch + extract + configure). extract <pkgname> Extract package source distribution file(s) into the build directory. By default set to <masterdir>/builddir. fetch <pkgname> Download package source distribution file(s). install <pkgname> Install target package into <destdir> but not building the binary package and not removing build directory for inspection purposes. list Lists installed packages in <masterdir>. pkg <pkgname> Build binary package for <pkgname> and all required dependencies. remove <pkgname> Remove target package from <destdir>. If <pkgname>-<version> is not matched from build template nothing is removed. remove-autodeps Removes all package dependencies that were installed automatically. purge-distfiles Removes all obsolete distfiles in <hostdir>/sources. show <pkgname> Show information for the specified package. show-avail <pkgname> Returns 0 if package can be built for the given architecture, any other error otherwise. show-build-deps <pkgname> Show required build dependencies for <pkgname>. show-deps <pkgname> Show required run-time dependencies for <pkgname>. Package must be installed into destdir. show-files <pkgname> Show files installed by <pkgname>. Package must be installed into destdir. show-options <pkgname> Show available build options by <pkgname>. show-shlib-provides <pkgname> Show list of provided shlibs for <pkgname>. Package must be installed into destdir. show-shlib-requires <pkgname> Show list of required shlibs for <pkgname>. Package must be installed into destdir. show-var <var> Prints the value of <var> if it's defined in xbps-src. show-repo-updates Prints the list of outdated packages in XBPS repositories. show-sys-updates Prints the list of oudated packages in your system. sort-dependencies <pkg> <pkgN+1> ... Given a list of packages specified as additional arguments, a sorted dependency list will be returned to stdout. update-bulk Rebuilds all packages in the system repositories that are outdated. update-sys Rebuilds all packages in your system that are outdated and updates them. update-check <pkgname> Check upstream site of <pkgname> for new releases. update-hash-cache Update the hash cache with existing source distfiles. zap Removes a masterdir but preserving ccache, distcc and host directories. Options: -a <profile> Cross compile packages for this profile. Supported targets: $(print_cross_targets) -C Do not remove build directory, automatic dependencies and package destdir after successful install. -E If a binary package exists in a local repository for the target package, do not try to build it, exit immediately. -f Force running the specified stage (configure/build/install/pkg) even if it ran successfully. -G Enable XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS (see etc/defaults.conf for more information). -g Enable building -dbg packages with debugging symbols. -H <hostdir> Absolute path to a directory to be bind mounted at <masterdir>/host. The host directory stores binary packages, sources and package dependencies downloaded from remote repositories. If unset defaults to void-packages/hostdir. -h Usage output. -I Ignore required dependencies, useful for extracting/fetching sources. -j Number of parallel build jobs to use when building packages. -L Disable ASCII colors. -m <masterdir> Absolute path to a directory to be used as masterdir. The masterdir is the main directory to build/store/compile packages. If unset defaults to void-packages/masterdir. -N Disable use of remote repositories to resolve dependencies. -o <opt,~opt2,...> Enable or disable (prefixed with ~) package build options. Note this overrides options set via XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS from 'etc/conf'. This effectively has the same effect than setting 'XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS_<pkgname>' in 'etc/conf'. Supported options can be shown with the 'show-options' target. -r <repo> Use an alternative local repository to store generated binary packages. If unset defaults to <hostdir>/binpkgs. If set the binpkgs will be stored into <hostdir>/binpkgs/<repo>. This alternative repository will also be used to resolve dependencies with highest priority order than others. -t Create a temporary masterdir to not pollute the current one. Note that the existing masterdir must be fully populated with binary-bootstrap first. Once the target has finished, this temporary masterdir will be removed. _EOF } check_reqhost_utils() { local broken [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ] && return 0 for f in ${REQHOST_UTILS}; do if ! command -v ${f} &>/dev/null; then echo "${f} is missing in your system, can't continue!" broken=1 fi done [ -n "$broken" ] && exit 1 [ -z "$1" ] && return 0 for f in ${REQHOST_UTILS_BOOTSTRAP}; do if ! command -v ${f} &>/dev/null; then echo "${f} is missing in your system, can't continue!" broken=1 fi done [ -n "$broken" ] && exit 1 } check_config_vars() { if [ -s "$XBPS_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then . $XBPS_CONFIG_FILE &>/dev/null fi if [ -z "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" ]; then export XBPS_MASTERDIR="${XBPS_DISTDIR}/masterdir" fi if [ -z "$XBPS_HOSTDIR" ]; then export XBPS_HOSTDIR="${XBPS_DISTDIR}/hostdir" [ ! -d $XBPS_HOSTDIR ] && mkdir -p $XBPS_HOSTDIR fi if [ -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" -a ! -w "$XBPS_MASTERDIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: not enough perms for masterdir $XBPS_MASTERDIR." exit 1 fi } check_build_requirements() { local found for f in $XBPS_SHUTILSDIR/*.sh; do [ -r $f ] && . $f done case "$XBPS_TARGET" in *bootstrap*) found=1;; *) ;; esac if [ -z "$found" ]; then xbps-uhelper cmpver "$XBPS_VERSION" "$XBPS_VERSION_REQ" if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "ERROR: requires xbps>=${XBPS_VERSION_REQ}" echo "Bootstrap packages must be updated with 'xbps-src bootstrap-update'" exit 1 fi fi # Set XBPS_REPOSITORY to our current branch. if [ -z "$XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY" ]; then pushd "$PWD" &>/dev/null cd $XBPS_DISTDIR _gitbranch="$(chroot-git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${_gitbranch}" -a "${_gitbranch}" != "master" ]; then export XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY="${_gitbranch}" export XBPS_REPOSITORY="${XBPS_REPOSITORY}/${_gitbranch}" if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then msg_normal "Using \`$XBPS_REPOSITORY\' as local repository.\n" fi fi popd &>/dev/null else export XBPS_REPOSITORY="${XBPS_REPOSITORY}/${XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY}" if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then msg_normal "Using \`$XBPS_REPOSITORY\' as local repository.\n" fi fi } install_bbootstrap() { [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" ] && return if [ "$1" = "bootstrap" ]; then unset XBPS_TARGET_PKG XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS else XBPS_TARGET_PKG="$1" fi if [ -n "$XBPS_SKIP_REMOTEREPOS" ]; then unset XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS fi # binary bootstrap msg_normal "Installing bootstrap from binary package repositories...\n" # XBPS_TARGET_PKG == arch if [ -n "$XBPS_TARGET_PKG" ]; then _bootstrap_arch="env XBPS_TARGET_ARCH=$XBPS_TARGET_PKG" if [ "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG}" != "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG#*-}" ]; then _subarch="-${XBPS_TARGET_PKG#*-}" fi fi mkdir -p $XBPS_MASTERDIR/var/db/xbps/keys cd $XBPS_MASTERDIR cp -f $XBPS_COMMONDIR/repo-keys/*.plist $XBPS_MASTERDIR/var/db/xbps/keys ${_bootstrap_arch} $XBPS_INSTALL_CMD ${XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS:+-S $XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS} -y base-chroot${_subarch} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then msg_error "Failed to install bootstrap packages!\n" fi # Reconfigure base-files to create dirs/symlinks. if xbps-query -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR base-directories &>/dev/null; then XBPS_ARCH=$XBPS_TARGET_PKG xbps-reconfigure -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR -f base-directories &>/dev/null else XBPS_ARCH=$XBPS_TARGET_PKG xbps-reconfigure -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR -f base-files &>/dev/null fi msg_normal "Installed bootstrap successfully!\n" chroot_prepare $XBPS_TARGET_PKG || msg_error "Failed to initialize chroot!\n" } bootstrap_update() { if [ -z "$CHROOT_READY" ]; then return fi remove_pkg_autodeps msg_normal "xbps-src: cleaning up masterdir...\n" rm -rf $XBPS_MASTERDIR/builddir $XBPS_MASTERDIR/destdir msg_normal "xbps-src: updating $XBPS_MASTERDIR ...\n" ${XBPS_INSTALL_CMD} ${XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS} -Syu return $? } masterdir_zap() { for f in bin boot builddir destdir dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 mnt \ opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var host media xbps \ void-packages .xbps_chroot_init; do if [ -d "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing directory $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -rf $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f elif [ -h "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing link $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f elif [ -f "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f" ]; then echo "Removing file $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f ..." rm -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/$f fi done echo "$XBPS_MASTERDIR masterdir cleaned up." } exit_func() { wait if [ -n "$sourcepkg" ]; then remove_pkg $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD fi if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then msg_red "xbps-src: a failure has ocurred! exiting...\n" fi exit 2 } basename_cwd() { echo $(basename $(pwd)) } read_pkg() { if [ -z "${XBPS_TARGET_PKG}" ]; then [ ! -r ./template ] && msg_error "missing build template in $(pwd).\n" XBPS_TARGET_PKG=$(basename_cwd) fi setup_pkg $XBPS_TARGET_PKG $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD } setup_distfiles_mirror() { local mirror scheme path # Scheme file:// mirror locations only work with uchroot or proot for mirror in $XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR; do scheme="file" if [[ "$mirror" == *://* ]]; then scheme="${mirror%%://*}" path="${mirror#${scheme}://}" else path="$mirror" fi [ "$scheme" != "file" ] && continue if [ "$XBPS_CHROOT_CMD" == "uchroot" -o "$XBPS_CHROOT_CMD" == "proot" ]; then if [ ! -d "$path" ]; then msg_warn "Invalid path in XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR ($mirror)\n" continue fi mkdir -p "$XBPS_MASTERDIR/$path" XBPS_CHROOT_CMD_ARGS+=" -b $path:$path" else msg_warn "File URLs ($mirror) don't work with '$XBPS_CHROOT_CMD'\n" fi done } readonly XBPS_VERSION_REQ="0.46" readonly XBPS_VERSION=$(xbps-uhelper -V|awk '{print $2}') readonly XBPS_SRC_VERSION="113" export XBPS_MACHINE=$(xbps-uhelper arch) # # main() # XBPS_OPTIONS= while getopts "a:CEfgGhH:Ij:Lm:No:r:tV" opt; do case $opt in a) readonly XBPS_CROSS_BUILD="$OPTARG"; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -a $OPTARG";; C) readonly XBPS_KEEP_ALL=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -C";; E) readonly XBPS_BINPKG_EXISTS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -E";; f) readonly XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -f";; G) readonly XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -G";; g) readonly XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -g";; H) readonly XBPS_HOSTDIR="$(readlink -m $OPTARG 2>/dev/null)"; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -H $XBPS_HOSTDIR";; h) usage && exit 0;; I) readonly XBPS_SKIP_DEPS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -I";; j) export XBPS_MAKEJOBS="$OPTARG"; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -j $OPTARG";; L) export NOCOLORS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -L";; m) readonly XBPS_MASTERDIR=$(readlink -m $OPTARG 2>/dev/null); XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -m $XBPS_MASTERDIR";; N) readonly XBPS_SKIP_REMOTEREPOS=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -N";; o) readonly XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS="$OPTARG"; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -o $OPTARG";; r) readonly XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY="$OPTARG"; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -r $OPTARG";; t) export XBPS_TEMP_MASTERDIR=1; XBPS_OPTIONS+=" -t -C";; V) echo $XBPS_SRC_VERSION && exit 0;; --) shift; break;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) [ $# -eq 0 ] && usage && exit 1 umask 022 # # Check for required utilities in host system. # # Required utilities in host system for the bootstrap target. readonly REQHOST_UTILS_BOOTSTRAP="make gawk bash bison sed gcc g++ msgfmt makeinfo \ perl tar xz gzip bzip2 patch flex" # Required utilities in host system for chroot ops. readonly REQHOST_UTILS="xbps-install xbps-query xbps-rindex xbps-uhelper \ xbps-reconfigure xbps-remove xbps-create xbps-uchroot xbps-uunshare git" check_reqhost_utils if [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then readonly XBPS_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/xbps/xbps-src.conf readonly XBPS_DISTDIR=/void-packages else _distdir="$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))" if [ "${_distdir}" = "." ]; then readonly XBPS_DISTDIR="$(pwd -P)" else readonly XBPS_DISTDIR="${_distdir}" fi # Read defaults and then the local configuration file if [ -f $XBPS_DISTDIR/etc/defaults.conf ]; then . $XBPS_DISTDIR/etc/defaults.conf fi if [ -s $XBPS_DISTDIR/etc/conf ]; then # Read user configuration first... readonly XBPS_CONFIG_FILE=$XBPS_DISTDIR/etc/conf elif [ -s $HOME/.xbps-src.conf ]; then # ... fallback to ~/.xbps-src.conf otherwise. readonly XBPS_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/.xbps-src.conf . $XBPS_CONFIG_FILE fi fi # # Check configuration vars before anyting else, and set defaults vars. # check_config_vars if [ -n "$XBPS_HOSTDIR" ]; then export XBPS_REPOSITORY=$XBPS_HOSTDIR/binpkgs readonly XBPS_SRCDISTDIR=$XBPS_HOSTDIR/sources else export XBPS_REPOSITORY=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/host/binpkgs readonly XBPS_SRCDISTDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/host/sources fi if [ -n "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then readonly XBPS_UHELPER_CMD="xbps-uhelper" readonly XBPS_INSTALL_CMD="xbps-install" readonly XBPS_QUERY_CMD="xbps-query" readonly XBPS_RINDEX_CMD="xbps-rindex" readonly XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD="xbps-reconfigure" readonly XBPS_REMOVE_CMD="xbps-remove" readonly XBPS_SRCPKGDIR=/void-packages/srcpkgs readonly XBPS_COMMONDIR=/void-packages/common readonly XBPS_DESTDIR=/destdir readonly XBPS_BUILDDIR=/builddir readonly XBPS_SHUTILSDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/shutils readonly XBPS_TRIGGERSDIR=$XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/xbps-triggers/files readonly XBPS_CROSSPFDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/cross-profiles readonly XBPS_BUILDSTYLEDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/build-style readonly XBPS_LIBEXECDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/libexec else readonly XBPS_UHELPER_CMD="xbps-uhelper -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_INSTALL_CMD="xbps-install -C /dev/null -c $XBPS_HOSTDIR/repocache --repository=$XBPS_REPOSITORY -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_QUERY_CMD="xbps-query -C /dev/null -c $XBPS_HOSTDIR/repoache -i --repository=$XBPS_REPOSITORY -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_RINDEX_CMD="xbps-rindex" readonly XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD="xbps-reconfigure -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_REMOVE_CMD="xbps-remove -r $XBPS_MASTERDIR" readonly XBPS_SRCPKGDIR=$XBPS_DISTDIR/srcpkgs readonly XBPS_COMMONDIR=$XBPS_DISTDIR/common readonly XBPS_SHUTILSDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/shutils readonly XBPS_DESTDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/destdir readonly XBPS_BUILDDIR=$XBPS_MASTERDIR/builddir readonly XBPS_TRIGGERSDIR=$XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/xbps-triggers/files readonly XBPS_CROSSPFDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/cross-profiles readonly XBPS_BUILDSTYLEDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/build-style readonly XBPS_LIBEXECDIR=$XBPS_COMMONDIR/xbps-src/libexec fi # XBPS_FETCH_CMD can be overriden export XBPS_FETCH_CMD="xbps-uhelper fetch" readonly XBPS_DIGEST_CMD="xbps-uhelper digest" readonly XBPS_CMPVER_CMD="xbps-uhelper cmpver" readonly XBPS_TARGET="$1" if [ -n "$2" ]; then XBPS_TARGET_PKG="${2##*/}" fi # Check if stdout is a tty; if false disable colors. test -t 1 || export NOCOLORS=1 if [ -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init ]; then export CHROOT_READY=1 fi if [ -s $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init ]; then export XBPS_ARCH=$(cat $XBPS_MASTERDIR/.xbps_chroot_init) if [ "$XBPS_MACHINE" = "x86_64" -a "$XBPS_ARCH" = "i686" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then # reconfigure pkgs via linux32 linux32 xbps-reconfigure -r ${XBPS_MASTERDIR} -a &>/dev/null # reexec itself via linux32 exec linux32 $0 ${XBPS_OPTIONS} $@ fi fi if [ -n "$XBPS_ARCH" ]; then export XBPS_MACHINE=$XBPS_ARCH fi if [ -z "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" ]; then export XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE=${XBPS_ARCH:=$XBPS_MACHINE} fi export XBPS_SHUTILSDIR XBPS_CROSSPFDIR XBPS_TRIGGERSDIR \ XBPS_SRCPKGDIR XBPS_COMMONDIR XBPS_BUILDDIR XBPS_REPO_DELTAS \ XBPS_REPOSITORY XBPS_ALT_REPOSITORY XBPS_SRCDISTDIR XBPS_DIGEST_CMD \ XBPS_UHELPER_CMD XBPS_INSTALL_CMD XBPS_QUERY_CMD \ XBPS_RINDEX_CMD XBPS_RECONFIGURE_CMD XBPS_REMOVE_CMD \ XBPS_CMPVER_CMD XBPS_FETCH_CMD XBPS_VERSION XBPS_APIVER \ XBPS_BUILDSTYLEDIR XBPS_CPPFLAGS XBPS_CFLAGS XBPS_CXXFLAGS XBPS_LDFLAGS \ XBPS_MAKEJOBS XBPS_BUILD_FORCEMODE XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS \ XBPS_CCACHE XBPS_DISTCC XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS XBPS_SKIP_DEPS \ XBPS_SKIP_REMOTEREPOS XBPS_CROSS_BUILD XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS \ XBPS_CONFIG_FILE XBPS_KEEP_ALL XBPS_HOSTDIR XBPS_MASTERDIR \ XBPS_SRC_VERSION XBPS_DESTDIR XBPS_MACHINE XBPS_TEMP_MASTERDIR \ XBPS_BINPKG_EXISTS XBPS_LIBEXECDIR XBPS_DISTDIR XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR for i in REPOSITORY DESTDIR BUILDDIR SRCDISTDIR; do eval val="\$XBPS_$i" if [ ! -d "$val" ]; then mkdir -p $val fi unset val done # A temporary masterdir requires xbps-uchroot(8) and -O to use overlayfs # on tmpfs (available with xbps-0.45). if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" -a -n "$XBPS_TEMP_MASTERDIR" ]; then if [ "$XBPS_CHROOT_CMD" != "uchroot" ]; then echo "ERROR: -t requires XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=uchroot, exiting..." exit 1 fi export XBPS_CHROOT_CMD_ARGS="-O" fi # # Sanitize PATH. # if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then # In non chroot case always prefer host tools. MYPATH="$XBPS_MASTERDIR/usr/bin:$XBPS_MASTERDIR/usr/sbin" export PATH="$PATH:$MYPATH" else MYPATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" export PATH="$MYPATH" if [ -n "$XBPS_CCACHE" ]; then CCACHEPATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin" export CCACHE_DIR="$XBPS_HOSTDIR/ccache" # Avoid not using cached files just due to compiler mtime # changes when e.g. bootstrapping export CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=content export PATH="$CCACHEPATH:$PATH" mkdir -p $CCACHE_DIR fi if [ -n "$XBPS_DISTCC" ]; then if [ -n "$XBPS_CCACHE" ]; then export CCACHE_PREFIX="/usr/bin/distcc" else DISTCCPATH="/usr/lib/distcc/bin" export PATH="$DISTCCPATH:$PATH" fi export DISTCC_DIR="$XBPS_HOSTDIR/distcc-${XBPS_CROSS_BUILD:-${XBPS_MACHINE}}" export DISTCC_HOSTS="$XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS" mkdir -p $DISTCC_DIR fi fi check_build_requirements if [ -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then trap 'exit_func' INT TERM if [ -n "$XBPS_DISTFILES_MIRROR" ]; then setup_distfiles_mirror fi fi # # Main switch. # case "$XBPS_TARGET" in binary-bootstrap) install_bbootstrap ${XBPS_TARGET_PKG:=$XBPS_MACHINE} ;; bootstrap) # bootstrap from sources # check for required host utils check_reqhost_utils bootstrap [ ! -d $XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/base-chroot ] && \ msg_error "Cannot find $XBPS_SRCPKGDIR/base-chroot directory!\n" bootstrap_vpkg=${XBPS_MASTERDIR}/etc/xbps.d/bootstrap-vpkgs.conf mkdir -p ${XBPS_MASTERDIR}/etc/xbps.d if [ ! -s ${bootstrap_vpkg} ]; then # Fool xbps to resolve dependencies. echo 'virtualpkg=libgcc-4.4.0_1:base-files' >> ${bootstrap_vpkg} echo 'virtualpkg=libstdc++-4.4.0_1:base-files' >> ${bootstrap_vpkg} fi $XBPS_LIBEXECDIR/build.sh base-chroot base-chroot $XBPS_TARGET || exit 1 [ -d $XBPS_MASTERDIR ] && rm -rf $XBPS_MASTERDIR install_bbootstrap bootstrap ;; bootstrap-update) bootstrap_update ;; chroot) chroot_handler chroot dummy ;; clean) if [ -z "$XBPS_TARGET_PKG" ]; then if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler remove-autodeps else remove_pkg_autodeps fi msg_normal "xbps-src: cleaning up masterdir...\n" rm -rf $XBPS_MASTERDIR/builddir $XBPS_MASTERDIR/destdir rm -f $XBPS_MASTERDIR/tmp/* >/dev/null 2>&1 else read_pkg if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_TARGET_PKG || exit $? else remove_pkg_wrksrc $wrksrc remove_pkg_statedir if declare -f do_clean >/dev/null; then run_func do_clean fi fi remove_pkg $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD fi ;; remove-autodeps) if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler remove-autodeps else remove_pkg_autodeps fi ;; fetch|extract|build|configure|install|pkg) read_pkg if [ -n "$CHROOT_READY" -a -z "$IN_CHROOT" ]; then chroot_handler $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_TARGET_PKG else [ -z "$XBPS_KEEP_ALL" -a -z "$XBPS_SKIP_DEPS" ] && remove_pkg_autodeps $XBPS_LIBEXECDIR/build.sh $XBPS_TARGET_PKG $XBPS_TARGET_PKG \ $XBPS_TARGET $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD || exit $? fi ;; remove|remove-destdir) read_pkg remove_pkg $XBPS_CROSS_BUILD ;; list) $XBPS_QUERY_CMD -l ;; purge-distfiles) purge_distfiles ;; show) read_pkg show_pkg ;; show-avail) read_pkg show_avail ;; show-files) read_pkg show_pkg_files ;; show-deps) read_pkg show_pkg_deps ;; show-build-deps) read_pkg show_pkg_build_deps ;; show-options) read_pkg show_pkg_build_options ;; show-shlib-provides) read_pkg show_pkg_shlib_provides ;; show-shlib-requires) read_pkg show_pkg_shlib_requires ;; show-var) eval value="\${$XBPS_TARGET_PKG}" echo $value ;; show-repo-updates) bulk_build ;; show-sys-updates) bulk_build -i ;; sort-dependencies) bulk_sortdeps ${@/$XBPS_TARGET/} ;; update-bulk) bulk_update ;; update-sys) bulk_update -i ;; update-check) read_pkg update_check ;; update-hash-cache) update_hash_cache ;; zap) masterdir_zap ;; *) msg_red "xbps-src: invalid target $XBPS_TARGET.\n" usage && exit 1 ;; esac exit_and_cleanup $?