# Template file for 'swirc' pkgname=swirc version=3.3.3 revision=1 build_style=configure configure_args="$(vopt_with notify libnotify)" make_install_args="PREFIX=/usr" hostmakedepends="gettext-devel-tools pkg-config which" makedepends="gettext-devel libcurl-devel libidn-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel $(vopt_if notify libnotify-devel)" checkdepends="cmocka-devel" short_desc="Curses ICB and IRC client" maintainer="Markus Uhlin " license="BSD-3-Clause, ISC, MIT" homepage="https://www.nifty-networks.net/swirc" changelog="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uhlin/swirc/master/CHANGELOG.md" distfiles="https://www.nifty-networks.net/swirc/releases/${pkgname}-${version}.tgz" checksum="29bd8ece384527ab22ee994c000049ba4623e8ce6e0ca8023e1386ba60e72acf" build_options="notify" desc_option_notify="Enable support for desktop notifications" post_extract() { vsed -i "${wrksrc}/src/events/privmsg.cpp" -e "s,/usr/local/share/swirc,/usr/share/swirc," vsed -i "${wrksrc}/src/main.cpp" -e "s,/usr/local/share/locale,/usr/share/locale," } post_configure() { local _file="options.mk" if [ ! -f "$_file" ]; then msg_error "cannot find $_file\n" fi vsed -i "$_file" -e "s/CC=/CC?=/" vsed -i "$_file" -e "s/CXX=/CXX?=/" } post_check() { # "make clean" is needed here because after running "make # check" multiple objects in the main source dir and its # subdirectories have been compiled with the intention to make # unittesting possible by simulating real behavior. The # main-symbol is also stripped (i.e. removed) from the main.o # file during the "make check" phase. Thus a fresh rebuild is # needed. make clean make -Cpo make ${makejobs} } post_install() { vlicense debian/copyright COPYING }