# Template file for 'wineasio' pkgname=wineasio version="0.9.0.git" revision=2 homepage="http://sourceforge.net/projects/wineasio" depends="jack" makedepends="wine-unstable wine-unstable-devel jack-devel" short_desc="JACK driver for WINE to provide Windows Apps with ASIO support." maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" license="LGPL" long_desc=" WineASIO provides an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE. ASIO is the most common Windows low-latency driver, so is commonly used in audio workstation programs." nonfree=yes only_for_archs=i686 nofetch=yes noextract=yes do_fetch() { local url="git://wineasio.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/wineasio/wineasio" msg_normal " Fetching source from $url ...\n" git clone ${url} ${pkgname}-${version} } do_build() { local url="http://stellarbox.co.cc/asio.h" msg_normal " Fetching ${url} ...\n" $XBPS_FETCH_CMD ${url} make ${makejobs} } do_install() { vinstall wineasio.dll.so 755 usr/lib/wine }