- FOP environment configuration file is: /etc/fop.conf it is preconfigured as follow: FOP_OPTS="-Xmx512m" FOP_HOME="/usr/share/fop" note in FOPS_OPTS="-Xmxm" is preconfigured as 512 Mb if you want use a different amount of memory modify it according your needs. According to my limited knowledge of FOP the configuration file for the part that produce the documentations reside in a different file in XML format, see an example in: /usr/share/fop/conf/ For hint about this configurations see the proper page at: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/1.1/configuration.html For hints on usign fop see: http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/FrontPage In this package I've included the full documentation in HTML format in: /usr/share/fop/javadocs/ ============= You may need to reboot to ensure that PATH is update correctly, for the impatients, if you want you can type $ source /etc/profile and check the PATH. ============= The dictionaries for the hyphenationa are available on the package: offo-hyphenation The package install it in: /usr/share/fop/lib as a jar file, see the offo-hyphenation documentation for more info. Some part of the code of FOP are not licensed under Apache-2.0, see in /usr/share/fop/lib/ for the licenses of this parts of code that for convenience are in the distribution of FOP. Happy FOPping!