# Template file for 'Ice' pkgname=Ice version=3.4.2 revision=5 build_wrksrc=cpp homepage="http://www.zeroc.com" distfiles="${homepage}/download/Ice/3.4/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" short_desc="The Internet Communications Engine (Ice)" maintainer="davehome " license="GPL-2, ICE" checksum=dcf0484495b6df0849ec90a00e8204fe5fe1c0d3882bb438bf2c1d062f15c979 long_desc=" The Internet Communications Engine (Ice) is a modern object-oriented toolkit that enables you to build distributed applications with minimal effort. Ice allows you to focus your efforts on your application logic, and it takes care of all interactions with low-level network programming interfaces. With Ice, there is no need to worry about details such as opening network connections, serializing and deserializing data for network transmission, or retrying failed connection attempts (to name but a few of dozens of such low-level details)." subpackages="lib$pkgname $pkgname-devel" # XXX: other language bindings Add_dependency build mcpp-devel Add_dependency build db-devel Add_dependency build expat-devel Add_dependency build openssl-devel do_configure() { sed -i -e "s|^#OPTIMIZE|OPTIMIZE|" config/Make.rules sed -i -e "s|x)/config|x)/lib/Ice/config|" config/Make.rules sed -i '/^embedded_runpath_prefix*/d' config/Make.rules sed -i -e "s|test demo||" Makefile } do_build() { make prefix=/usr ${makejobs} } do_install() { if [ "$XBPS_MACHINE" = "x86_64" ]; then vmkdir usr/lib cd ${DESTDIR}/usr && ln -s lib lib64 cd ${wrksrc} fi make prefix=${DESTDIR}/usr install [ -h ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib64 ] && rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib64 vmkdir usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/slice ${DESTDIR}/usr/share rm ${DESTDIR}/usr/LICENSE mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/ICE_LICENSE \ ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE # remove unused cruft rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/*.class }