# Template file for 'libmikmod' pkgname=libmikmod version=3.3.2 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--disable-static" short_desc="MikMod Sound Library" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://mikmod.shlomifish.org/" license="GPL-2, LGPL-2.1" distfiles="${homepage}/files/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=2311b209255bf24e95161907a16778cb054ac6d447fd8d05f1f0e41a555c7580 long_desc=" The MikMod sound library is an excellent way for a programmer to add music and sound effects to an application. It is a powerful and flexible library, with a simple and easy-to-learn API. Besides, the library is very portable and runs under a lot of Unices, as well as under OS/2, MacOS and Windows. Third party individuals also maintain ports on other systems, including MS-DOS, and BeOS. MikMod is able to play a wide range of module formats, as well as digital sound files. It can take advantage of particular features of your system, such as sound redirection over the network. And due to its modular nature, the library can be extended to support more sound or module formats, as well as new hardware or other sound output capabilities, as they appear." libmikmod-devel_package() { depends="libmikmod>=${version}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/bin vmove usr/include vmove usr/share vmove "usr/lib/*.so" } } libmikmod_package() { pkg_install() { vmove all } }