if [ -z "$hostmakedepends" -o "${hostmakedepends##*gcc-go-tools*}" ]; then # gc compiler if [ -z "$archs" ]; then archs="aarch64* armv[567]* i686* x86_64* ppc64le*" fi hostmakedepends+=" go" nopie=yes else # gccgo compiler if [ -z "$archs" ]; then # we have support for these in our gcc archs="aarch64* armv[567]* i686* x86_64* ppc64*" fi if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then # target compiler to use; otherwise it'll just call gccgo export GCCGO="${XBPS_CROSS_TRIPLET}-gccgo" fi fi nostrip=yes case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in aarch64*) export GOARCH=arm64;; armv5*) export GOARCH=arm; export GOARM=5;; armv6*) export GOARCH=arm; export GOARM=6;; armv7*) export GOARCH=arm; export GOARM=7;; i686*) export GOARCH=386;; x86_64*) export GOARCH=amd64;; ppc64le*) export GOARCH=ppc64le;; ppc64*) export GOARCH=ppc64;; ppc*) export GOARCH=ppc;; mipsel*) export GOARCH=mipsle;; mips*) export GOARCH=mips;; esac export GOPATH="${wrksrc}/_build-${pkgname}-xbps" GOSRCPATH="${GOPATH}/src/${go_import_path}" export CGO_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" export CGO_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" export CGO_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" export CGO_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" export CGO_ENABLED=1 case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in *-musl) export GOCACHE="${XBPS_HOSTDIR}/gocache-muslc" ;; *) export GOCACHE="${XBPS_HOSTDIR}/gocache-glibc" ;; esac