# Template build file for 'xkeyboard-config'. pkgname=xkeyboard-config version=1.5 distfiles="http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/xkbdesc/$pkgname-$version.tar.bz2" build_style=gnu_configure configure_args="--with-xkb-rules-symlink=xfree86,xorg --enable-compat-rules" short_desc="X Keyboard Configuration Database" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" checksum=ce15ff22ad6bc0ff7ae735d5ec65dd6dfd736d7eef0cf5ff394f823e663447e4 long_desc=" The xkeyboard-config package provides a non-arch keyboard configuration database for the X Window System with support for non-standard keyboards, national layouts and options. The goal is to provide the consistent, well-structured, frequently released open source of X keyboard configuration data for free, open source and commercial X implementations. The project is targeted to XKB-based systems." noarch=yes Add_dependency full xkbcomp Add_dependency build intltool