# Template build file for 'perl-XML-SAX'. pkgname=perl-XML-SAX-Base version=1.08 wrksrc="${pkgname#perl-}-$version" distfiles="${CPAN_SITE}/XML/${pkgname#perl-}-${version}.tar.gz" build_style=perl-module fulldepends="perl" revision=1 short_desc="Perl Base class SAX Drivers and Filters" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-SAX-Base" license="GPL-2" checksum=666270318b15f88b8427e585198abbc19bc2e6ccb36dc4c0a4f2d9807330219e long_desc=" This module has a very simple task - to be a base class for PerlSAX drivers and filters. Its default behaviour is to pass the input directly to the output unchanged. It can be useful to use this module as a base class so you don't have to, for example, implement the characters() callback." noarch=yes