# Template file for 'gdbm' pkgname=gdbm version=1.10 revision=5 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--enable-libgdbm-compat --disable-rpath" short_desc="GNU database routines" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" license="GPL-3" homepage="http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/gdbm/" distfiles="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" checksum=23f8134c5b94bbfb06d756a6b78f074fba6e6028cf2fe01341d40b26db773441 long_desc=" GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extensible hashing. It works similar to the standard Unix dbm routines." if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then hostmakedepends="libtool automake>=1.13.1_2 gettext-devel" pre_configure() { autoreconf -fi } fi post_install() { # create symlinks for compatibility vmkdir usr/include/gdbm ln -sf ../gdbm.h ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gdbm/gdbm.h ln -sf ../ndbm.h ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gdbm/ndbm.h ln -sf ../dbm.h ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gdbm/dbm.h } gdbm-devel_package() { short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/bin vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.a" vmove usr/share/info vmove usr/share/man } } gdbm_package() { pkg_install() { vmove usr } }