# Template file for 'python-setproctitle' pkgname=python-setproctitle version=1.1.6 revision=1 wrksrc="setproctitle-${version}" homepage="http://code.google.com/p/py-setproctitle/" license="BSD" distfiles="http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setproctitle/setproctitle-${version}.tar.gz" build_style=python-module fulldepends="python" makedepends="python-devel" short_desc="A library to allow customization of the process title" maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" checksum=f2926abd47803e288f665401268a9950961be734e981035bde9acb4af80a032d long_desc=" The library allows a process to change its title (as displayed by system tools such as ps and top). Changing the title is mostly useful in multi-process systems, for example when a master process is forked: changing the children's title allows to identify the task each process is busy with. The technique is used by PostgreSQL and the OpenSSH Server for example. The procedure is hardly portable across different systems. PostgreSQL provides a good multi-platform implementation: this module is a Python wrapper around PostgreSQL code." pycompile_module="setproctitle"