# Template file for 'lilyterm' pkgname=lilyterm _githash=faf1254f46049edfb1fd6e9191e78b1b23b9c51d version= revision=1 wrksrc=LilyTerm-$_githash build_style="gnu-makefile" hostmakedepends="pkg-config gettext" makedepends="vte3-devel gtk+3-devel" short_desc="Fast and lightweight terminal emulator based off of libvte" maintainer="Kris Scott " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw" # distfiles="http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/file/lilyterm-${version}.tar.gz" distfiles="https://github.com/Tetralet/LilyTerm/archive/$_githash.tar.gz" conf_files="/etc/lilyterm.conf" checksum=e777122cb4db0c75b893368aa5a3ae7de1bdfe27e1efb8fad8f9c19acb0a802e CFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" post_patch() { vsed -i -e '/LDFLAGS.*BINARY/s/$/ -lX11/' \ -e '/^PKGCONFIG :=/d' \ -e '/^STRIP :=/d' \ src/Makefile } do_configure() { cat <<-_EOF >.config BSD = 0 PREFIX = /usr prefix = /usr ETCDIR = /etc NLS = Y VERBOSITY = Y DEBUG = N SAFEMODE = Y FORCE_ENABLE_VTE_BACKGROUND = N CC = $CC STRIP = $STRIP CPPFLAGS = $CPPFLAGS CFLAGS = $CFLAGS LDFLAGS = $LDFLAGS MAKE = make GTK = gtk+-3.0 VTE = vte-2.91 GNOME_CONTROL_CENTER = N PACKAGE = lilyterm PKGCONFIG = $PKG_CONFIG _EOF }