# Template build file for 'libcanberra'. pkgname=libcanberra version=0.28 revision=10 distfiles="http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--enable-alsa --enable-null --enable-gstreamer --disable-oss --with-builtin=dso --disable-lynx --disable-schemas-install --with-gconf-schema-file-dir=/usr/share/gconf/schemas --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system" short_desc="XDG Sound Theme and Name Specification library implementation" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=eb1f8b2cabad7f07b6e44d606a91d73e1efca4b46daf92bd553e7222bc68868c long_desc=" libcanberra is an implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications, for generating event sounds on free desktops, such as GNOME. It comes with several backends (ALSA, PulseAudio, OSS, GStreamer, null) and is designed to be portable. It consists of the following parts: 1. libcanberra: the main library 2. libcanberra-gtk: some glue code to make it easier to use libcanberra from Gtk+ applications 3. libcanberra-gtk-module: a Gtk+ module that uses libcanberra-gtk to trigger input feedback event sounds" gconf_schemas="libcanberra.schemas" subpackages="$pkgname-devel" Add_dependency build pkg-config Add_dependency build gtk+-devel Add_dependency build gtk+3-devel Add_dependency build libvorbis-devel Add_dependency build libltdl-devel Add_dependency build gstreamer-devel Add_dependency build alsa-lib-devel Add_dependency build tdb-devel Add_dependency build pulseaudio-devel Add_dependency build libudev-devel Add_dependency build vala-devel Add_dependency build GConf-devel