# Template file for 'tinyssh' pkgname=tinyssh _datever=20160812 version="0.0.${_datever}" revision=1 wrksrc=${pkgname}-${_datever} build_style=gnu-makefile make_dirs="/etc/tinyssh 0755 root root" short_desc="A minimalistic SSH server" maintainer="Christopher Brannon " license="Public Domain" depends="ucspi-tcp" homepage="https://tinyssh.org" distfiles="https://github.com/janmojzis/${pkgname}/archive/${_datever}.tar.gz" checksum=89b407548cee0e98bf90a0bf43d5e70ac380f9ba02966a3eecce6c98d075b369 nocross=yes pre_build() { echo '/usr/bin' > conf-bin # Some of the tinyssh tests really shouldn't be run under xbps-src # or on builders, so comment them all out. # Build system needs a way to disable tests. Here's a dirty hack. echo 'int main(void) { return 0; }' > cmbbogustest.c for i in tinyssh-tests/*test.c crypto-tests/*test.c; do cp cmbbogustest.c "$i" done } post_install() { vlicense LICENCE vsv tinysshd }