# Template file for 'epiphany' pkgname=epiphany version=3.10.0 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--disable-schemas-compile --disable-tests" hostmakedepends="which pkg-config intltool itstool gnome-doc-utils gobject-introspection" makedepends="nss-devel libsoup-gnome-devel>=2.44 libnotify-devel webkitgtk-devel>=2.1 sqlite-devel libxslt-devel avahi-glib-libs-devel startup-notification-devel NetworkManager-devel gcr-devel>=3.10 gnome-desktop-devel>=3.10 libsecret-devel libwnck-devel iso-codes" short_desc="Intuitive GNOME web browser" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/" license="GPL-2" distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/$pkgname/${version%.*}/$pkgname-$version.tar.xz" checksum=7bd2c3b21464a83909d75befe2f9501c1ab2f00e2371f26023f79818faec351e long_desc=" Epiphany is a simple yet powerful GNOME web browser targeted at non-technical users. Its principles are simplicity and standards compliance. Simplicity is achieved by a well designed user interface and reliance on external applications for performing external tasks (such as reading email). Simplicity should not mean less powerful. Standards compliance is achieved on the HTML side by using the WebKitGTK+ rendering engine; and on the user interface side by closely following the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and by close integration with the GNOME desktop." epiphany_package() { depends="webkitgtk>=2.1 libsoup>=2.44 gsettings-desktop-schemas>=3.10 gcr>=3.10 ca-certificates hicolor-icon-theme desktop-file-utils iso-codes" pkg_install() { vmove all } }