# Template file for 'gitea' pkgname=gitea version=1.2.1 revision=2 build_style=go go_import_path="code.gitea.io/gitea" # This could be done with build options, but these are built in with the # following justification. # * bindata: running with things not all in the binary is not a # supported distribution format by the gitea upstream developers. # That mode is only supported for development of gitea within the # source tree # * sqlite: this is likely the database that everyone will use. Only # particularly large installations will want to go through the # effort of setting up a real database server. # * pam: PAM allows for authentication to varied external sources. # Internal authentication supports the local database, OpenID, and # LDAP, but basic other auth sources such as Kerberos and more # exotic authenticators require PAM support to be useable. # * tidb: This is an alternate database engine for users who would # rather not use SQLite3 for some reason. It is also potentially # more resiliant to corrupted writes. go_build_tags="bindata sqlite pam tidb" hostmakedepends="go-bindata" makedepends="sqlite-devel pam-devel" short_desc="Git with a cup of Tea" maintainer="Michael Aldridge " license="MIT" homepage="http://gitea.io" distfiles="https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=a18e0390d2c2ca956e94e98294707c9ac1d926763d00e2da682a3e72db393612 system_accounts="_gitea" _gitea_homedir="/var/lib/gitea" make_dirs="/var/lib/gitea 0755 _gitea _gitea /var/log/gitea 0755 _gitea root" conf_files="/etc/gitea.conf" pre_build() { path="${GOPATH}/src/${go_import_path}" mkdir -vp "$(dirname ${path})" ln -vfs $PWD "${path}" cd $path make generate cd $wrksrc } post_install() { vlicense LICENSE vsv gitea vinstall conf/app.ini 0640 /etc gitea.conf }