# Template build file for 'xkill'. pkgname=xkill version=1.0.3 distfiles="${XORG_SITE}/app/$pkgname-$version.tar.bz2" build_style=gnu-configure revision=1 makedepends="pkg-config libX11-devel libXmu-devel" short_desc="Kill a client by its X resource" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" checksum=bd8307272a648ca76a266e5c1111384c8ed9367c6a8f1a5be844a5b5300881a9 long_desc=" Xkill is a utility for forcing the X server to close connections to clients. This program is very dangerous, but is useful for aborting programs that have displayed undesired windows on a user's screen."