# Template file for 'flexprop' pkgname=flexprop version=5.2.0 revision=1 hostmakedepends="loadp2 which" makedepends="tk-devel" depends="loadp2 tk xterm" short_desc="Simple GUI for creating applications on the Parallax Propeller 2" maintainer="Orphaned " license="MIT" homepage="https://github.com/totalspectrum/flexprop/" distfiles="https://github.com/totalspectrum/${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=bc72b9cc0729869cc0c4d298606f9a8d0fe937f85e9d0ef3a352f4a577147680 do_build() { ${CPP} -xc++ -I /usr/libexec/p2tools -DTCL_SRC < version.inp > src/version.tcl } do_install() { vinstall flexprop.tcl 755 usr/libexec/p2tools # Install a copy of the examples vcopy samples usr/libexec/p2tools # No need for flexprop.c which is a Windows source file rm -f src/flexprop.c # Install a copy of the tcl/tk source scripts vcopy src usr/libexec/p2tools # Create a wrapper script to run flexprop vmkdir usr/bin cat >${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/flexprop <