# Template file for 'time' pkgname=time version=1.7 distfiles="$GNU_SITE/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" revision=1 short_desc="The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://directory.fsf.org/project/time" license="GPL-2" checksum=e37ea79a253bf85a85ada2f7c632c14e481a5fd262a362f6f4fd58e68601496d long_desc=" The time command runs another program, then displays information about the resources used by that program, collected by the system while the program was running. You can select which information is reported and the format in which it is shown, or have time save the information in a file instead of display it on the screen." Add_dependency build glibc-devel do_build() { ./configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share/info make ${makejobs} } do_install() { make exec_prefix="${DESTDIR}/usr" infodir="${DESTDIR}/usr/share/info" install }