===================================================================== LyX the document processor need a set of TeXLive packages present to deploy his power. To check if some of theese packages are missing go to: menu "Help" and choose "Latex Configuration" this (long) page give you some help on what is missing and where to found it. If you have the installed TeXLive with the voidlinux installer, by default it install the small scheme of installation, you have to install the missing packages, the quickiest way is to run as root: 'tlmgr install algorithm2e algorithms apacite bbding besoz bibtopic breakurl covington csquotes diagbox endnotes enumitem epstopdf esint eurosym feyn fragments framed frankenstein harvard hyphenat jurabib lettrine luainputenc marginnote mathdesign mathdots mhchem multirow nicefrac nomencl picinpar pict2e prettyref preview rotfloat rsfs shapepar sidecap splitindex symbol tex-gyre ulem undertilde units wasy wasysym wrapfig xargs' As there are many flavour of your preferred applications, I didn't force you to use any in particular so you must have at least: a text editor, a PS and/or PDF viewer, an internet browser. If LyX appear on your screen a looking in the file: '~/.lyx/configure.log' may give you an idea of what is supported by LyX. Happy LyXing The Void Linux mantainers =====================================================================