# Template file for 'clucene' pkgname=clucene version= revision=2 wrksrc=${pkgname}-core-${version} build_style=cmake configure_args="-DENABLE_ASCII_MODE=OFF -DENABLE_PACKAGING=OFF -DBUILD_CONTRIBS_LIB:BOOL=ON -DLIB_DESTINATION:PATH=/usr/lib -DLUCENE_SYS_INCLUDES:PATH=/usr/lib -DDISABLE_MULTITHREADING=OFF" hostmakedepends="cmake pkg-config" makedepends="boost-devel" short_desc="Text search engine written in C++" homepage="http://clucene.sourceforge.net/" license="LGPL-2+/ASL-2.0" maintainer="Juan RP " distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-core-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=ddfdc433dd8ad31b5c5819cc4404a8d2127472a3b720d3e744e8c51d79732eab long_desc=" CLucene is a high-performance, scalable, cross platform, full-featured, open-source indexing and searching API. Specifically, CLucene is the guts of a search engine, the hard stuff. You write the easy stuff: the UI and the process of selecting and parsing your data files to pump them into the search engine yourself, and any specialized queries to pull it back for display or further processing." clucene-devel_package() { depends="libstdc++-devel ${sourcepkg}-${version}_${revision}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.so" vmove usr/lib/CLucene vmove usr/lib/CLuceneConfig.cmake vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig } } clucene_package() { pkg_install() { vmove usr } }