# Template file for 'qjackctl' pkgname=qjackctl version=0.3.8 homepage="http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net" distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=gnu-configure revision=1 short_desc="JACK Audio Connection Kit - Qt GUI Interface" maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" license="GPL-2" checksum=870869836535476b7a2d77fa70c39f7d8facc4767c8fa1aac3c81d6ce7ba71e5 long_desc=" QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon, specific for the Linux Audio Desktop infrastructure. Written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit for X11, most exclusively using Qt Designer. Provides a simple GUI dialog for setting several JACK daemon parameters, which are properly saved between sessions, and a way control of the status of the audio server daemon. With time, this primordial interface has become richer by including a enhanced patchbay and connection control features." gtk_iconcache_dirs="/usr/share/icons/hicolor" Add_dependency run jack # depend on the server too Add_dependency build pkg-config Add_dependency build qt-devel Add_dependency build jack-devel Add_dependency full desktop-file-utils Add_dependency full hicolor-icon-theme