# Template build file for 'libnsbmp'. pkgname=libnsbmp version=0.0.3 revision=2 homepage="http://www.netsurf-browser.org" distfiles="${homepage}/projects/releases/${pkgname}-${version}-src.tar.gz" short_desc="Decoding library for BMP and ICO images in C." maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" checksum=e0ccf851bf6dc9398b587f1b3f919773a49d7d2eb082b99ab5898217d73e47a2 license="MIT" long_desc=" libnsbmp is a decoding library for BMP and ICO image file formats, written in C. It was developed as part of the NetSurf project and is available for use by other software under the MIT licence. * Features Decodes BMP files Decodes ICO files" subpackages="${pkgname}-devel" wrksrc=${pkgname}-${version}-src do_build() { make ${makejobs} COMPONENT_TYPE=lib-shared make ${makejobs} COMPONENT_TYPE=lib-static } do_install() { make ${makejobs} COMPONENT_TYPE=lib-shared \ DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} PREFIX=/usr install make ${makejobs} COMPONENT_TYPE=lib-static \ DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} PREFIX=/usr install vinstall "${wrksrc}/COPYING" 0644 "usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" }