# Template file for 'mkinitcpio' pkgname=mkinitcpio version=0.5.9 wrksrc=$pkgname distfiles="ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/other/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=custom-install short_desc="Advanced, modular initramfs image creation utility" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=772e3d92bfa1754b74a95c76a4f66bb6f94915212da2e7e7878764676ef8467c long_desc=" mkinitcpio is an advanced, modular initramfs image creation utility. mkinitcpio was created for Archlinux." # Other deps are resolved by xbps-base-chroot. build_depends="klibc-1.5.14" do_install() { # mkinitcpio doesn't work with dash, uses bash specific stuff # even if the file mentions justs the contrary... . $XBPS_HELPERSDIR/replace-interpreter.sh replace_interpreter bash mkinitcpio cd $wrksrc && ./install.sh $XBPS_DESTDIR/$pkgname-$version }